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One is the main "data" file (383MB for syphon filter), the other is the 100Kb License file. Once the license is downloaded it shows up in the new "Certification Manager" on the PSP:

Once the data file is installed, it shows up in the memory stick area just like the free demos:

pon loading the game, you're greeted with a familiar logo...

And after the requisite credit screens, you get the menu:

Introducing... Gabe Logan!

Pressing the home button brings up a number of options available to the emulator...

... including the COMPLETE game manual:

You also have the option of adjusting the video output to fill the entire screen:

This distorts the image a little bit, but i think its worth it to get the full sized image.

As far as the installation processes. The download went pretty quickly, and it will require the PSP to be plugged in prior to the download. Hopefully this restriction will be removed once the PS3 itself can play the games. It is clear the download is stored on the PS3 HDD, but it does not seem to be accessible from the XMB interface.

After the download is complete, there is an installation process to the PSP, which actually takes WAY too long. Clearly its doing more than just copying the file because 383MB over USB2 should be done in a few minutes. It took at least 10.

Also, the license download is probably going to be confusing for some people. Its not a big deal per se, but it isn't very elegant.

On the memory card, the game file is in /PSP/GAME/SCUS94240 and the eboot.pbp itself is 387MB, so we're clearly not just getting an ISO here.

"il y a deux fichiers à sauvegarder, l'un sont les données (383 mo pour syphon filter), l'autre est le certificat de licence. une fois que la licence est téléchargée, elle apparait dans "gestionnaire de licence" sur la psp.

une fois installé, le jeu apparait dans la section "memory stick" comme une demo normale. au chagement, le logo psx apparait. en appuyant sur le bouton "home", les options de l'émulateur s'affichent, incluant le manuel complet.plusieurs options d'affichages, plein écran (qui déforme un peu l'aspect du jeu) ou 4/3 etc...

le jeu est d'abord téléchargé dans le ddur de la ps3, c rapide, mais le transfert ps3-psp est très loongggg, 10 minutes (usb2 !!!)

Le jeu apparait sur la mémory stick dans "/PSP/GAME/SCUS94240" et a son propre "eboot.pbp" qui fait 387 mo !!, donc, pas d'iso içi :non:



j'ai pas aimé faire ce topic, car je F$$$ $ONY pour son sytème de protection ! mais c'était juste pour INFO ^^.


VIA le webmaster de DCEMU ! "wraggster"

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Techniquement avec le new devhook on pourrait aussi emuler ces jeux nan?

Vu qu'on a le droit à 5 machines par jeu.Une copie diffusée suffirait nan?

Ah ben non ca marche que si ca passe de ps3 a psp....

Ahah je viens de comprendre l'astuce.

Alala sony computer...:rox:

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Originally Posted by slayer2psp View Post

i have a ps3 but im not updateing to 3.01 to play psone games i did download hot shots golf 2 tried to run it with devhook 51 starts but then shuts off. it took less then 5 min for it to install on my msd but hot shots is only 153 mb


apparement ça déjà été testé sous devhook 0.51 , le jeu se lance et la psp s'éteind........

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