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Jacquette de wiisport!


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Nan ça fais chere quand meme pour ça ! Mais j'ai trouvé une news sympa


I will admit, I’m a little jealous. The Europeans may have to wait an extra couple of weeks for the Wii, but they get Wii Sports is a beautiful DVD package just like a full-fledged retail Wii title. Why do we get the crappy cardboard insert that insists on launching the instruction booklet every time that I open it?

Well, the creative megashock5 over at The Cover Project isn’t going to stand for it. He created a Wii Sports cover perfectly sized for a DVD case. Chances are that you have a white DVD case lying around. If not, they can be bought for cheap. One suggestion is to go to Target and buy their one-cent Wii preview DVD. It comes in a nice matching white case. Another option is to buy cases at Nintendo’s online store.

Go on over, print it out, and slip it into a white jewel case. Wii Sports will be ready to be displayed with the rest of your Wii collection.


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