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2.71 SE-C pour ce week end ?


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L'équipe de TeknoPSP a semble t il recu quelques informations d'une personne qui aurai eu des nouvelles de dark alex. Ce dernier lui aurai apparemment dit que la nouvelle version de son firmware custom, le 2.71 SE-C, sortirai le week end prochain.


Parmis les nouveautés de se firmware non officiel, il y aura, un selecteur de vitesse de CPU, un loader de module PRX depuis la MS, La possibilitée de jouer avec les jeux sur le disque dur du PC en chargeant le module PRX depuis la MS et la suppression de quelques protections pour ameliorer le développement et le support des applications sur 2.71.


Site officiel : TeknoPSP

voila voila :hello:

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Invité silentdie

Well I guess Ill release the C Version and hen D next week, but right now I can't spent too much time on it.


The new stuff in SE C will be:

  • Speed Selection
  • The selection of plugins from MS
  • Some omitted protections to improve the creation of homebrew in the 2.71 Kernel, especially since there's a possible emergence of an irShell for 2.71.
  • Games from USB will be possible by loading a plugin from MS.

Things not included:

  • No DAX as of now, since it takes too much kernel memory…

In addition to this, Dark_AleX told us about the option for Plain Modules in umd/iso that was causing problems when playing games like SOCOM2..



It allows the loading of unencrypted prx's in umd/isos. Games usually have it encrypted, but if for any reason someone wants it unencrypted, to hack the code or something like that, this code will make it possible.


SOCOM 2 has an unencrypted prx and there was a bug.

This has been solved and will be in SE-C.


We've also asked if he has thought about taking a look at the Source of PSX-P



When I finish with SE I'll take a break until 3.00.

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The new stuff in SE C will be:
  • Speed Selection
  • The selection of plugins from MS
  • Some omitted protections to improve the creation of homebrew in the 2.71 Kernel, especially since there's a possible emergence of an irShell for 2.71.
  • Games from USB will be possible by loading a plugin from MS.

Things not included:

  • No DAX as of now, since it takes too much kernel memory…

Ouais c'est donc ça : Séléction de la vitessse (cool), prx depuis la MS, meilleur dvp pour les homebrews et support USB pour les jeux, mais PAS de Dax.

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