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Demo de ridge racer 2 sur 2.71 grace a dark alex^^


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Now although many of you were quite interested in the Ridge Racer 2 demo which was out yesterday, we guess that a good contention of you didn't use it for the sole reason that it required a firmware which was out of homebrew's reach. And reading the news (or are they rumors?) lately, it seems that a lot of the upcoming games will be coming out requiring new firmwares. Well, you probably won't have to worry this time, because Dark_AleX has a lot of stuff covered.


He just released a new decrypter which decrypts the DATA.PSP of the new Ridge Racer 2 demo. We'll list the instructions here:

  • With some pbp utility, such as pbp unpacker, extract the files from the Ridge Racer 2 demo pbp. Put the extracted file DATA.PSP in the root of memory stick.
  • Run the decrypter test with 1.50 kernel (GAME150 folder) if you are in 2.71 SE-A or in devhook emulating 1.50 if you are in HEN.

The decrypter test will output a file called "DATA_OUT.PSP" in the root of memory stick. Using this file as the DATA.PSP, rebuild the pbp. Change the text in the SFO "2.81" with some hexadecimal editor to something <= 2.71.


To those who know their stuff, this will probably be a piece of cake. Although the news is big, Dark_AleX was quick to point out the fact that this won't be a popular solution since it doesn't work on the rest of the demos including World Tour Soccer and Ape Escape Racer demo for 2.81 (Thanks to jas0nuk for testing out Ape Escape). Well, we believe that we still haven't seen all of what guys like Dark_AleX and Booster are working on, and we wouldn't be surprised if any of them release a bombshell in the coming weeks. Don't worry though, we will have you covered. For now, here's the decrypter.


le decrypteur:


la demo de ridge racer 2

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