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Battlefield 2142, le jeu-spyware!


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Extrait du disclaimer dans la boîte de Battlefield 2142:


The software may incorporate technology developed by IGA Worldwide, the advertising technology. The purpose of the advertising technology is to deliver in-game ads when you use the software while connected to the Internet. When you use the software while connected to the Internet, the advertising technology may record your IP address and other anonymous information. That advertising data is temporarily used by IGA to enable the presentation and measurement of in-game ads and other in-game object which are uploaded temporarily to the your PC or game console, and change during online gameplay. The advertising technology does not collect personal or identifiable information about you.

Je ne vois qu'une réponse possible: Boycott! :grr:


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je ne sais plus quel démo,ou jeu j'ai installé dernierement,mais en passant mon anti spyware,il m'a sorti "gamespy arcade",alors que je mettrais ma main à couper,que j'ai dit non à l'installation!!


remarque mon AI m'a conseillé de le mettre en quarantaine,et ne l'a pas supprimé d'office lol

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