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2.71 SE-A Customizer


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Voila enfin un customizeur pour le 2.71SE


Si quelque veu traduire :)


The application we have here today might not win any beauty contests. Yellow text on a blue background? But once you consider its features, I'm sure it's one of those uber-cool applications for your newly installed Dark_AleX's 2.71 SE-A firmware. Made by eiffel56 over at the forums, this application allows you to customise your 2.71 SE-A firmware.


Although it's not a big breakthrough seeing how writing to the flash has been possible for some time now, this app gets kudos for doing something I'm sure everyone wanted. Here's how it works:

  • Copy the 271c folder from the archive to your PSP's PSPGAME150 folder.
  • Now depending on what you want to do, simply copy the relevant files to your memory stick. For example, if you want to change your font, just move the ltn0.pgf to your memory stick.
  • Now once you run the application, you will be given the choice of flashing different items. In our case, since we wanted to change the font, we would've simply pressed the X button.
  • Once the app does its job, simply reboot your PSP.

If everything went fine, you'll be looking at your custom-custom 2.71 firmware. In case something went wrong, you can simply use the recovery menu (Press R trigger while booting PSP) offered with the 2.71 SE-A firmware and go back to 1.5 from where you can again upgrade to 2.71 SE-A. This probably means that even though it modifies your PSP's flash, it's pretty safe since you can always salvage your PSP fully. But still, do be careful when using this eiffel56 creation. Anyways, enough of talk... Have fun modifying your PSP!


si vous regarder l'image vous comprendrez qu'il faut mettre les fichier a la racine :)

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