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De la TUERIE ---> Custom firmware 2.71 : acces au kernel mode !


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Invité silentdie
la seule chose qui me retient actuellement de ne pas passer en 2.71 c'est à cause du faite qu'il faut toujours lancer HEN (qui marche pas tjs..) et attendre que la console se réalume... c'est une trop grosse perte de temps par rapport à la 1.5 ! Mais c'est clair qu'avec le CFW 2.71 sa ira beaucoup plus vite et même encore + que pour la 1.5 sans avoir besoin d'émuler d'autre firmware, conséquence: jeux plus rapide ; naviguation sur internet plus agréable car + de mémoire cache dispo :)
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D'autres informations a propos du CFW :


Q: What is 0x89?

A: 0x89 is a replacement XMB for the Sony PSP.


Q: What's an XMB?

A: The XMB is the "cross media bar", the GUI or the VSH.


Q: How will it work?

A: Some of the prx's, such as the main one's will reside on flash0, loading other's off flash1 when needed.


Q: So this could brick my PSP?

A: Yes, but we will do all we can do ensure you don't.


Q: What feature's will it have?

A: We plan on getting the video player, audio player, image viewer, settings and the web browser done on the first release.


Q: What codec's will the video player have?

A: avi, mpeg, mpeg4, wmv, avc, pmp.


Q: What codec's will the audio player have?

A: mp3, ogg, wav, wma.


Q: What image type's can the image viewer show?

A: bmp, png, jpeg, tga.


Q: Will the GUI be customizable?

A: Yes, you will be allowed to change the icon's, background colour, background effects and more via the settings.


Q: Will i be able to add stuff to the menu?

A: Yes! The menu is done via XML, so you will be able to edit and add menu's.


Q: Why do people call this a new firmware?

A: There was confusion as to what it was when we announced it.


Q: Why do people call this a shell?

A: Most thing's such as irshell, psp-oss have been classed as shells. I see a shell as bash etc.


Q: So what is this?

A: As i've said, it's an XMB replacement.


Q: Will i be able to get back to my original 1.50?

A: Yes.


Q: Will this have a recovery mode?

A: Maybe, it's not a custom firmware.


Q: When will there be screenshots?

A: When we are ready to show them.


Q: When will this be released?

A: When it's ready.


Q: Can i help out?

A: When we need someone to help, we will ask.


Q: Will 0x89 be open source?

A: Some modules are, as they are based on applications that are under the GPL license.


Q: What modules will be?

A: At the moment the video player will be.


Q: Will 0x89 support PSPTouchME?

A: Hofully, if PSPTouchME is finished in time.


Q: How much space on flash0/1 will it take?

A: No idea right now.


Q: Will i be able to load modules of my own?

A: Yes.


Q: What type of files can you load from the game menu?

A: PBP, ELF and maybe ZIP.


Q: Will 0x89 play 2.00+ UMD's?

A: Yes, hopefully.


Q: What about ISO's?

A: Maybe.


Q: Will you release a 0x89 SDK?

A: Only if it's really needed.


Q: Who is currently helping develop 0x89?

A: harleyg, zettablade, jas0nuk, whazilla, raphael, insomniac and foxxici (website).


Q: Who has helped?

A: Mathieulh, Dark_AleX, LC, reggie, rabbit and Nomo.



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mouais mouais, moi perso je prefererais des eboot de 1.5 non kernel donc compatibles 2.71 comme ca je resterais sur mon 2.71 booté via devhook en permanence , un pour faire HOME+L ou R pour les isos, deux pour les eboot modifiés donc plus besoin de revenir en 1.5 ...


de toute facon j'ai plus l adsl donc plus de wifi donc le navigateur web me sert a rien, et les isos et meme mes umd j'y joue plus, prefere l'emulation .

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