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iR Shell 2.2: Final Release


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AhMan released iR Shell version 2.2 today and announced that he will no longer update it. Well, bid farewell to one of the greatest homebrew programs to this day.


Download here:


I wonder if he will release the source so the makers of the future 0x89 XMB Replacement have some extra ground work already cut out for them.



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Yes ! He'll be back

When 2.x firmware is fully hacked, I may return back with a few more iR Shell updates to make it more complete.


Lorsqu'il y aura un new fw emulé par devhook pour le rendre compatible avec IrShell afin d'ecouté nos zik favorites tout en jouant a nos jeux favoris... on pourra se posé la question pour le XMB 0x89 quand il sera la

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