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gpSP 0.8


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Exophase a enfin sorti une nouvelle version de son émulateur GBA: gpSP.



# Fixed bug in dead flag elimination, "alt" version no longer needed.

# Fixed EEPROM saves being saved as 32kb instead of 512bytes/8kb

+ 32MB ROM support has been added. ROMS are "demand loaded" as

necessary and page swapped out; there might be a small loading lag,

but I have yet to ever really notice anything.

NOTE: 32MB ROM support only works for unzipped ROMs.

+ Save states have been added. See the save state menu for save/load


+ Support for the real-time clock (RTC) chip in Pokemon cartridegs

and other games. The implementation is based off of VBA's, whatever

notes on gbadev I could find, and some of my own reverse engineering

of what the games do... it might not be totally correct. Also,

setting the time does not work.

+ Per-game configuration. Currently this only saves frameskip and

frameskip variation options.

+ Removed the flash type option from the menu and instead added it

to game_config.txt. Hopefully got everything - let me know if you

find something that isn't there. It's pretty easy to add them if you

have to.

+ Added a display in the upper left-hand corner to indicate when

fast-forward is on.

+ Added button bindings for save/load state.

@ Found a fix of StrmnNrmn proportion: far too much unnecessary mutex

synchronization was going on. Removing the two offending lines of

code gave a massive speed boost for free. Enjoy.



Eboot 1.0:


Eboot 1.5:






Trad demain parce que là dodo :zzz: :zzz: :zzz:

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