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TIFF Exploit For 2.71 And 2.80 Firmwares Confirmed!


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oui et non ... y'a rien de fait pour l'instant, ensuite aucun accès au kernel n'est assuré pour certains firmwares (genre 2.1, 2.7+)... ensuite ça se rapprocherai plus de l'eloader tiff sur 2.0 qu'autre chose... dc bon la 1.5 est tjrs mille fois mieux.


devhook est encore loin ... très loin.

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Invité silentdie

0okm Releases More Info About the TA-082 Downgrader!





As D-Day for TA-082ers comes closer and closer, we're getting more info about how the whole process will work. 0okm has given answers for a small list of questions. I'll quote him first:


Will I be able to update to 2.0 and then down to 1.5 again to get a clean firmware? (whats the difference between clean and unclean 1.5 anyway?)

No, just like PSP-1007 can't run FW1.50 Update EBOOT.PBP, TA-082 can't run FW1.50 - FW2.50 Update EBOOT.PBP. And I don't want to release the "clean FW1.50 image file"(that is illegal !!). So i need time to make a "Write software" that can generate "clean FW1.50" :P


Will I be able to upgrade to 3.0 when PS1 emulator comes out?

Yes, TA-082 can run FW2.60/FW2.70/FW2.71/FW2.80 and above Update EBOOT.PBP files.


How do you intend to manually downgrade hundreds of PSPs if it takes 45 minutes to do each one?

I think each day I can help up to 5 TA-082 users to softdown :P


Alright, so the method is a bit cumbersome, and will take a bit of time. But you know what? At least all of you guys will get custom-made firmware images from one of the best, erm, developers in the scene; you can't go wrong with them. Secondly, one day, the image creator and clean firmware image might even leak onto the web. *hint*


I personally don't have a TA-082, but I saw the TA-082er's sad faces/replies when the original 2.50/60 downgrader came out. Well, now it's your time to enjoy the fireworks! Keep checking our site for the latest updates!



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