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Invité bitonio6

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Invité bitonio6

Sous vista tu peux définir une compatibilité XP sur certain EXE, donc pas de souci


mais normalement, ils ne sont pas cons, les dernier game manager sont compatible Vista...

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Invité bitonio6

V35B pour le game manager....


Mario Party Fonctionne!


M3 Game Manager v35b (6th-11-2007):

1. Resolve "1541 - international chess master the art of learning (EU)"

the only safe mode of operation, can now be printed in the normal use of rapid game;


2. Resolve "1608 - Restaurant鼠王gourmet frenzy (US)," not the normal conversion problems

can now be completed conversion and the use of rapid printed in the normal game;


3. Update "- referring to a" smart Library, 1610 and before the game NDS configuration

can be automatically read and mandatory use of Chinese name of the game show.

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