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2.6 Train UMD Loader Released For PSP


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Train2335 has released a new UMD loader for the PSP. This is just an app that loads the UMD that is in your UMD pocket through eloader via GTA


Place the TrUmd folder in PSP/GAME/
Load Grand Theft Auto
Run Eloader
Select TrUmd and run it
Press X and load UMD

As of right now I am unsure if you can swap UMDs since I only have GTA :-(. I wouldn't see why you couldn't swap UMDs, but ya know Sony can be wierd sometimes ;-).

It loads the UMD by:

I have not released the source code yet as I don't see the need, it is quite easy to redupilcate this ;-). But if you get me at MSN - [email][/email]
I will give you the source(only if I think you need it)....

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