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Un secret caché du Firmware 2.8 !


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bon je suis un peu fatiguer et il faut que je me relise un peu avant de poster (des a a la place des e et inversement, des espace la ou y'en a pas et y'en a pas la ou il devrai y en avoir enfin bref^^)


je me suis relis 3 fois la


sur ce bonne nuit tout le monde moi je vais dormir

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ce qui m'alair presque sur, c'est que des aujourd'hui, le site de sony ( PSP Format) doit etre accessible qu'aux 2.80


EDIT : voila qui detail plus les explications du premier post. c'est en anglais, et j'ai pas le temps de traduire excusez moi.


For firmware 2.80, Sony added something interesting to the browser call the "PSP Extension Plugin." Now, the PSP supported the "PSP Plugin" before firmware 2.80. It let web developers create "PSP-only" plugins for their site to interact with certain PSP applications, like games. This means that values can be written back to an application from a browser, and the user's internet browser can be forced to shut down by implementing certain JavaScript code on a web page.

Right now, the PSP Extension Plugin supports the following functions: 1. Acquisition of information from the Internet Browser extension header, and 2. Acquisition of the largest amount of the contents heap. Now, we have no idea what the second one means. As for the first one, the "extension header" apparently contains the following information (everything courtesy of PSP-Vault's zmcnutty):

x-psp-productcode: Your PSP's product code will depend on the region in which you purchased your PSP. The product code for PSPs purchased in North America differs from the product code of PSPs purchased in Japan.
x-psp-browser: This value tells where the Internet Browser was launched from. There are three options: from XMB, from an application under XMB, and from an application on a UMD or a Memory Stick.
x-psp-application: If necessary, this identifies the application from which the browser was launched. For example, launching the web browser using "Wipeout Pure" will fill this value with something like "Wipeout Pure/1.0.0 (UCUS-98612)
User-Agent: A user-agent identifies a user's browser to the web server. The PSP's user agent is "Mozilla/4.0 (PSP (PlayStation Portable); 2.00)". We read this value at PSP-Vault to switch PSP users to Mobile Version, but you're apparently also able to read this value through the PSP Extension Plugin.

It should also be noted that as of firmware 2.80, your PSP can also send its firmware version.


C'est super stylé ! (enfin ...) il reconnait entre PSP americaine et PSP japonaise (sans doute pareil pour PSP européene)


Il reconnait par quelle application est ce que le naviguateur a été lancer, par exemple si a partir de Wipeout pure, sa sera genre "Wipeout Pure/1.0.0 (UCUS-98612)"


Il sait aussi a partir d'où a été lancé le naviguateur, 3 options :

Sous le XMB, a partir d'une application fonctionnant sous l'XMB ou d'un UMD ou MEmory Stick.


Il reconnait aussi le User-Agent, (y'a un plug-in user-agent sous firefox utile , sa permet de faire croire que ton Firefox utilise un autre naviguateur, par exemple IE ou celui de la PSP )


enfin j'ai pas trop compris pour l'user agent ...


Et finalement, il peut aussi envoyer votre Firmware ...

Craignos mais bon

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