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FW 2.8 Décrypté !!


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Firmware 2.80 Decrypted!



GmDude66 from pspupdates has managed to fully decrypt firmware 2.80.

Below is a changelog of files that were added/change

And yes, 2.80 uses the same encryption key as 2.70 did




f:\dh\250\flash0\kd\resou rce\



f:\dh\280\flash0\vsh\modu le\




f:\dh\280\flash0\vsh\reso urce\


lftv_rmc_univer3in1_jp.rc o


lftv_rmc_univerpanel_jp.r co


lftv_rmc_univertuner_jp.r co

netfront.skn changed to netfront.rc



f:\dh\280\ipl and f:\dh\271\ipl comparrison

psp_ipl.bin changed to psp_nandipl.bin

psp_ipl.bin_p1 changed to psp_nandipl.bin_p1

psp_ipl.bin_p2_040F0000 changed to psp_nandipl.bin_p2_040F00 00

psp_ipl.bin_p3 changed to psp_nandipl.bin_p3



"I have also attached a modified version of BOOSTER's firmware installer to dump 2.80 into ms0:/dh/280/



Please note that 2.80 can not yet be emulated until I get the reboot.bin file for 2.80, this just shows that 2.80 is now decrypted. Have fun browsing the 2.80 files for now "


edit : bien lire la derniere phrase

qui di que le 2.8 ne sait pas (encor) etre émulé

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|GreatTeacher| tu te rappele du reboot.bin du 2.71 qui soit disant avais besoin de 100 ans avec des ordis de fou pour etre decrypter

ouai 100 ans avec un super-calculateur (un ordi super puissant qui fait la taille d'un demi terrain de basket)

mdrrrrrr dark alex sa m'étonnerais qu'il ai sa dans sa chambre

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