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Lancement du firmware 2.71 directement


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Grace au fameux site anglais nous pouvons maintenant lancer le firmware 2.71 directement sans passer pas le programme devhook !! (je trouvais ca moche de lancer la console et de tomber sur un masque noir avec des ecritos blancs !!)


Source :


HKS has shared a Custom Firmware DevHook Direct Launcher Mod For PSP 1.5 today! Basically this DevHook direct-launch Mod can be used to boot directly to 2.71 or other Firmware versions without any menu now- cool stuff indeed! Feel free to share your own config.txt file code or any questions/issues with us in our PSP Custom Firmware Forum thread!


Pour ceux qui ne sont pas inscrit voici le lien que j'ai uploader :



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Voici le readme :


Custom Firmware DevHook Direct Launcher Mod For PSP 1.5 Firmware

Maybe someone will be interested, this is a DevHook direct-launch Mod by HKS. It's for using with the custom firmware by Dark_AleX so you can boot directly to 2.71 or other firmware without any menu. Source is from BOOSTER and TheBuzzer, thanks. 

I just disabled the menu display and set the autorun wait to 0 second and added an exit shortcut. It use the setted options done by another DevHook launcher, I recommend you to use TheBuzzer's Mod to set the options first. The archive includes both 1.0 EBOOT and 1.5 EBOOT, I recommend you to use the 1.5 EBOOT which won't make a TEMP ELF file in your MS and may be faster.

No firmware included only EBOOTs, so setup the other files first. 

Don't forget to add 'autoboot = "ms0:/PSP/GAME/DEVHOOK/EBOOT.PBP";' in the config.txt file of the custom firmware.

If you want back to original 1.5, hold triangle when booting to exit DevHook and back to 1.5.



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Invité silentdie

si c'est bien celui que j'ai testé (dispo sur maxconsole aussi..) ok sa lance devhook car l'autoboot est a 0 seconde, mais il lance directement un iso avec, donc un peu embetant si on veux changer de jeux...


C'est bien cette version là ?

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