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Firmware Xtrem v 2.0 pour Samsung !!!!


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Voila le firmware pour samsung est sorti pour ce que ça intéresserait d'update leur fimrware il est passé à la version 2.0 mais aucun lien ne peut etre transmis sur le forum j'en suis désolé.


Pour le trouver endroit habituel ...


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Xtreme firmware 2.0 for TS-H943 Xbox 360



Here it is, the World first One Firmware Only Xbox 360 backup and extraction firmware modification!

No more reflashing of your drive with different firmwares!!!

I would like to dedicate this firmware to my father who passed away suddenly. He went into debt to purchase my first computer, a commodore 64, which enabled me to learn assembly language.

Please spare a thought or prayer for him around the world, this would make him chuckle. He will be sadly missed.





Extraction part of firmware enabled with Enable0800 DVD. ISO included.

In Enable0800 mode, allows drive to function natively under Windows without any hardware conversion/adaptors


Boots all Xtreme Xbox 360 backups

Boots all Xtreme Xbox 1 backups

Boots all Xbox 360 originals

Boots all Xbox 1 originals on Xbox 360

Use on Xbox Live at own risk


Technical details



Firmware now also checks for Enable0800 security sector @ PSN 04FB1F and if found, enables 0800 mode of firmware.

ISO image Enable0800.iso included. Just burn and insert into drive when you wish to extract security sectors or dump games.

0800 mode of firmware deactivated by inserting game backup (Xbox 360 or Xbox 1) or DVD movie or turning off console.


Reads Xbox 360/Xbox 1 security sector from PSN FD021E (Layer 1)

Reads Xbox 360 security sector from PSN 04FB1F (Layer 0)

Reads Xbox 1 security sector from PSN 605FF (Layer 0)

Security sector must be extracted using Enable0800 DVD for Xbox360 games and Xbox 1 games


Flashing your drive



Advisable to make a backup of your dvd drive firmware first.("mtkflash r /m orig.bin")

Please make sure you hexedit the Xtreme20.bin firmware to include your dvd drive key from your original firmware (just copy $4000-4400).

Plug SATA cable from DVD drive to PC. Power cable drive still connected to Xbox 360

Power on Xbox 360

Power on PC

Boot with standard dos boot disk with included mtkflash utility

Run "mtkflash w /m Xtreme20.bin"


Extracting Security Sector



Ensue SATA cable is plugged from drive to PC.

(This is very important as may be possible in future for console to detect modified firmware due to Inquiry routine enabled for WIndows)


Power on Xbox 360.

Insert Enable0800 DVD into drive. Wait 5 or so seconds then remove the Enable0800 DVD. Drive now in 0800 mode.

Turn on PC and wait for Windows to boot

Insert original game disk into drive and wait for windows to detect disk change

Run DVDinfoPro

Enter the following four custom cdb commands:


AD 00 FF 02 FD FF FE 00 08 00 01 C0

AD 00 FF 02 FD FF FE 00 08 00 03 C0

AD 00 FF 02 FD FF FE 00 08 00 05 C0

AD 00 FF 02 FD FF FE 00 08 00 07 C0


Then save hexadecimal display as bin file as SS.bin


Creating a game backup


Drive is still in 0800 mode.

Extract Isobuilder.rar

Insert original game disk into drive and wait for windows to detect disk change

Run DVDinfoPro

Enter the following custom cdb command to unlock drive: (game data visable)


FF 08 01 01


Run Isobuster

Right click on DVD and select Extract From-To

Click Length and enter number of LBAs as follows:


Xbox 1 Original Number of LBA to read 3431264 decimal


Xbox 360 Original Number of LBA to read 3567872 decimal

Select User Data (2048 bytes/block)

Click Start Extraction

Enter filename as game.iso and click Save

Upon read error dialogue box choose fill with blank zeros for sector and select use this selection for all errors

Copy game.iso and ss.bin to the relevent isobuilder directory (Depending on Xbox 360 or Xbox 1 game)

Run build360.bat (Xbox 360 game) or build.bat (xbox 1 game)

Ensure your burner will set the booktype of DVD+R DL to DVDRom

Burn with CloneCd and choose the image.dvd file


Turning off 0800 mode of firmware



Either insert game backup (Xbox 360 or Xbox 1) or DVD movie. This de-activates 0800 part of firmware or turn off console.


I will not be doing any more work on the Hitachi as I will leave that to the excellent work of Garyopa,Spectrumforever,Birdie and others.

Still working on Media Stealth firmware and will release when there has been a reaction from Microsoft as until then it is not required!




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Pour ce qui voudrait le fichier et qui ne le trouverai pas vous pouvez me contacter par pm je vous enverrai le fichier dans la journée...


Pour ce qui est du tuto procédure habituelle pour le flash sinon il y a un fichier .iso je sait pas si en le gravant sa passe je me renseigne et je vous tiens au courant...


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