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[Info] Messages d'Erreurs PSP (Errors Codes)


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Curieux de savoir s'il y avait davantages d'informations sur les codes d'erreurs de la psp, j'ai recherché pendant ces 15-20 dernières minutes.

Un petit résumé pour ce forum comme en recherchant, on ne trouve pas vraiment son bonheur :P

La majeur source est sans consteste : le wiki psp ^^


(source : SXT) 80000025 erreur de configuration système - system config error (located in flash1)

(source : inconnu) 80020001 signifie executable non trouvé - meaning executable not found

(source : nem ) FFFFFED3 related with decryption , something like 'key type number not found'

en rapport avec la décryptage, quelque chose du style "numéro du type de clé non trouvé".

Explication simple : changement d'encryptage des prx des jeux depuis le firmware 2.0, bloquant le chargement classique des jeux. go go go mph game loader, run umd et autre device hook.

(source : inconnu) 80020148 signifie fichier PSAR manquant - meaning missing PSAR file

(source : moi lol) 8001007B code d'erreur d'UMD manquant en cours d'execution (bon après la vraie signification niveau système, aucune idée lol)


// wiki


0x80010013 = périphérique / media / support non trouvé (device / media not found)

0x8001B002 = inconnu


0x80020001 - 0x8002044c = erreur au niveau du noyau (kernel errors)

0x80020001 = msg d'erreur générique du noyau - par defaut (generic kernel error (default))

0x800200D9 = allocation d'un bloque de mémoire impossible (failed to allocate the memory block)

0x80020130 = erreur de lecture d'un fichier (file read error)

0x80020148 = type de PRX non supporté (PRX type unsupported)


0x80110482 = apparait quand le test de la connection wlan en mode infrastructure échoue

(occurs when test of wlan infrastructure connection fails)


0xfffffed3 = inconnu (sans doute relatif à une erreur de décryptage) (unknown (might be decryption error))


0x80410001 - 0x80410d16 = erreurs du reseau (network errors)

0x80410D07 = inconnu (en rapport avec la wifi) (unknown (something to do with wlan))



Conclusion : ça vaut ce que ça vaut, juste à but informatif sur ce système plutôt fermée qu'est la psp ^^

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Voila tous les codes d'erreur possible:


 * UKN9000001 = The update cannot be started. The data is corrupted.
* 80110305 = Load failed.The Memory Stick™ could not be acessed.
* 80010013 = device / media not found
* 8001B002 = unknown
* 80020001 or 800244C = kernel errors
* 80020001 = generic kernel error (default)
* 800200D9 = failed to allocate the memory block
* 80020130 = file read error
* 80020148 = PRX type unsupported
* 80110482 = occurs when test of wlan infrastructure connection fails
* FFFFFED3 = unknown (might be decryption error)
* 80410001 or 80410D16 = network errors
* 80410D07 = unknown (possibly wlan)
* ffffffff = PSP update failed
* 80410A0B = Internal Error
* 80410410 = Cannot connect to the given acess point
* 80010087 = The game could not be started
* 0x0 = no error
* 0x80020001 = error
* 0x80020002 = notimplemented
* 0x80020032 = illegalexcepti oncode
* 0x80020033 = exceptionhandl ernotuse
* 0x80020034 = exceptionhandl eralreadyused
* 0x80020035 = systemcalltabl enotuse
* 0x80020036 = systemcalltabl ealraadyused
* 0x80020037 = illegalsystemc alltable
* 0x80020038 = illegalPrimary Syscallnumber
* 0x80020039 = PrimarySyscall numberalreadyuse
* 0x80020064 = callfrominterr upthandler/thread
* 0x80020065 = illegalINTRCOD E
* 0x80020066 = CPUalreadyinte rruptdisable
* 0x80020067 = Hnadleralready exist
* 0x80020068 = Handlernotfoun d
* 0x80020069 = illegalinterru ptlevel
* 0x8002006a = illegaladdress
* 0x8002006b = illegalIntrHan dlerOptionParamsize
* 0x8002006c = illegalstackad dress
* 0x8002006d = alreadystackad dressset
* 0x80020096 = notfoundfreeHardTimer
* 0x80020097 = illegaltimerID
* 0x80020098 = illegalsource
* 0x80020099 = illegalprescal e
* 0x8002009a = HardTimerinuse
* 0x8002009b = HardTimernotse tup
* 0x8002009c = HardTimernotin use
* 0x800200a0 = unitnumberalre adyused
* 0x800200a1 = unitnumbernotu sed
* 0x800200a2 = romdirectoryno tfound
* 0x800200c8 = idtypealreadye xist
* 0x800200c9 = idtypenotexist
* 0x800200ca = {notavailable}
* 0x800200cb = unknownUID
* 0x800200cc = unmatchUIDtype
* 0x800200cd = idnotexist
* 0x800200ce = notfoundUIDfun ction
* 0x800200cf = UIDalreadyhold er
* x800200d0 = UIDnotholer
* 0x800200d1 = illegalpermiss ion
* 0x800200d2 = illegalargumen t
* 0x800200d3 = illegaladress
* 0x800200d4 = thememoryareai soutofrange
* 0x800200d5 = thememoryareai soverlap
* 0x800200d6 = illegalpartiti onid
* 0x800200d7 = partitioninuse
* 0x800200d8 = illegalmemoryb lockallocationtype
* 0x800200d9 = failedtoalloca tememoryblock
* 0x800200da = inhibitedtores izethismemoryblock
* 0x800200db = failedtoresize thismemoryblock
* 0x800200dc = failedtoalloca teheapblock
* 0x800200dd = failedtoalloca teheap
* 0x800200de = illegalchunkid
* 0x800200df = cannotfindchun kname
* 0x800200e0 = thereisnofreec hunk
* 0x8002012c = modulelinkerro r
* 0x8002012d = illegalobjectf ormat(notPRX/PFX)
* 0x8002012e = notfoundModule
* 0x8002012f = notfoundModule file
* 0x80020130 = Modulefileread error
* 0x80020131 = memoryinuse
* 0x80020132 = partitionmisma tch
* 0x80020133 = modulealreadys tarted
* 0x80020134 = modulenotstart edyet
* 0x80020135 = modulealreadys topped
* 0x80020136 = modulecannotst op
* 0x80020137 = modulenotstopp edyet
* 0x80020138 = modulecannotre move
* 0x80020139 = exclusiveload
* 0x8002013a = Libraryisnotli nkedyet
* 0x8002013b = Libraryalready exists
* 0x8002013c = Librarynotfoun d
* 0x8002013d = illegalLibrary header
* 0x8002013e = Libraryisusedn ow
* 0x8002013f = modulealreadys topping
* 0x80020140 = illegaloffsetv alue
* 0x80020141 = illegalpositio ncode
* 0x80020142 = illegalaccessc ode
* 0x80020143 = modulemanagerb usy
* 0x80020144 = illegalflag
* 0x80020145 = cannotgetmodul elist
* 0x80020146 = prohibitLoadMo duledevice
* 0x80020147 = prohibitLoadEx ecdevice
* 0x80020148 = unsupportedPRX type
* 0x80020149 = illegalpermiss ioncall
* 0x8002014a = cannotgetmodul einformation
* 0x8002014b = illegalLoadExe cbuffer
* 0x8002014c = illegalLoadExe cfilename
* 0x8002014d = Thereisnoexitc allback
* 0x80020190 = nomemory
* 0x80020191 = illegalattrpar ameter
* 0x80020192 = illegalthreade ntryaddress
* 0x80020193 = illegalpriorit yvalue
* 0x80020194 = illegalstacksi ze
* 0x80020195 = illegalmode
* 0x80020196 = illegalmask
* 0x80020197 = illegalthreadI D
* 0x80020198 = notfoundthread
* 0x80020199 = notfoundsemaph ore
* 0x8002019a = notfoundeventf lag
* 0x8002019b = notfoundmessag ebox
* 0x8002019c = notfoundVpool
* 0x8002019d = notfoundFpool
* 0x8002019e = notfoundmessag epipe
* 0x8002019f = notfoundalarm
* 0x800201a0 = notfoundthread eventhandler
* 0x800201a1 = notfoundcallba ck
* 0x800201a2 = threadalreadyD ORMANT
* 0x800201a3 = threadalreadyS USPEND
* 0x800201a4 = threadisnotDOR MANT
* 0x800201a5 = threadisnotSUS PEND
* 0x800201a6 = threadisnotWAI T
* 0x800201a7 = nowdispatchdis abled
* 0x800201a8 = WAITtimeout
* 0x800201a9 = WAITcanceled
* 0x800201aa = WAITstatusrele ased
* N0x800201ab = WAITstatusrel easedwithcallback
* 0x800201ac = threadistermin ated
* 0x800201ad = semaphorecount erzero
* 0x800201ae = semaphorecount eroverflow
* 0x800201af = eventflagcondi tionnotoccur
* 0x800201b0 = thiseventflagc annotacceptwaitswithmulti plethreads
* 0x800201b1 = illegaleventfl agwaitpattern
* 0x800201b2 = messageboxhave nomessage
* 0x800201b3 = messagepipeisf ull
* 0x800201b4 = messagepipeise mpty
* 0x800201b5 = waitobjectdele ted
* 0x800201b6 = illegalmemoryb lock
* 0x800201b7 = illegalmemorys ize
* 0x800201b8 = illegalscratch padaddress
* 0x800201b9 = scratchpadinus e
* 0x800201ba = scratchpadnoti nuse
* 0x800201bb = illegaltype
* 0x800201bc = illegalsize
* 0x800201bd = illegalcount
* 0x800201be = notfoundvtimer
* 0x800201bf = illegalvtimerI D
* 0x800201c0 = illegalKTLSID
* 0x800201c1 = KTLSisfull
* 0x800201c2 = KTLSisbusy
* 0x80020258 = invalidsuchpri ority
* 0x80020259 = devicenameisin valid
* 0x8002025a = devicenameisun known
* 0x8002025b = pminformationi sregisteredalready
* 0x8002025c = pminformationi snotregistered
* 0x8002025d = majorstateisin validvalue
* 0x8002025e = requestisinval id
* 0x8002025f = requestisunkno wn
* 0x80020260 = unitnumberisin valid
* 0x80020261 = cannotcancelre quest
* 0x80020262 = pminformationi sinvalid
* 0x80020263 = argumentisinva lid
* 0x80020264 = alreadytargete powerstate
* 0x80020265 = failedtochange systempowerstate
* 0x80020266 = cannotchangede vicepowerstate
* 0x80020267 = devicedoesnots upportsuchpowerstate
* 0x800202bc = requesttotheDM ACfailed
* 0x800202bd = DMAoperationis lessorequalone
* 0x800202be = theoperationis alreadyqueued
* 0x800202bf = theoperationis alreadyfinishedornotqueue ud
* 0x800202c0 = theoperationis alreadyintransferprogress
* 0x800202c1 = theoperationis notassignedyet
* 0x800202c2 = thesyncoperati ontimedout
* 0x800202c3 = dmaoperationst ructisalreadyfreed
* 0x800202c4 = dmaoperationis used
* 0x800202c5 = dmaoperationis empty
* 0x800202c6 = DMAoperationis aborted
* 0x800202c7 = DMAoperationis error
* 0x800202c8 = physicalDMAcha nnelisalreadyreserved
* 0x800202c9 = physicalDMAcha nnelisnotmanagedbydmacman ager
* 0x800202ca = thereisaprivil egeaddressinlinklist
* 0x800202cb = linklistbuffer isnotenough
* 0x800202cc = theoperationis notassignedtophysicalDMAc hannel
* 0x800202cd = theoperationis childoperation
* 0x800202ce = itistoomuchtha ntransferabledatasize
* 0x800202cf = argumentisinva lid
* 0x80020320 = Toomanyopenfil es
* 0x80020321 = Nosuchdevice
* 0x80020322 = Cross-devicelink
* 0x80020323 = Badfiledescrip tor
* 0x80020324 = Invalidargumen t
* 0x80020325 = Unsupportedope ration
* 0x80020326 = Aliasisalready used
* 0x80020327 = Cannotmount
* 0x80020328 = Driverdeleted
* 0x80020329 = Asyncoperation isbusy
* 0x8002032a = Noasyncoperati on
* 0x8002032b = Deviceisalread yregistered
* 0x8002032c = Nocurrentworki ngdirectory
* 0x8002032d = Filenametoolon g
* 0x800203e8 = DECI3Nosuchdev iceoraddress
* 0x800203e9 = DECI3I/Oerror
* 0x800203ea = DECI3Notenough core
* 0x800203eb = STDIOnotopened
* 0x8002044c = Parameterisnot cachealigned
* 0x8002044d = Endofkernelerr orcode.Neverusethisname 

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Je vous avoue que je sais plus ou je l'ai trouvé. Je crois que c'est sur pspdev mais je suis plus sure. Enfin quand je l'ai vu j'ai pas hésité je l'ai pris. C'est trop utile pour le dev.

Bon maintenant que vous les avez vous m'apprenez tout ca pour demain. Yaura une interro :P

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