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Daedalus - Emulateur 64

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c'est clair que meme si ça marche les jeux font que planter mais quand cela va etre parfais aie aie aie il y a trop de gamer des jeux de n64 surtout mario kart et james bond mais c'est vrai que les emulateurs auront un avenir mais si les emulateur de n64 marchent impec moi je crois que j'arrete les jeux sony lol car il y a pas beaucoup de bon jeux il y a peut etre une dizaine de jeux tandis que N64 il y en a pas mal de jeux que les gens connaisent et qu ont déjà essayé !
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StrmnNrmn has announced a ton of new information on the status of his progress on Daedalus PSP, one of the two Nintendo 64 emulators for PSP currently in development. Things are looking great; his blog post contains a ton of juicy technical information on how and what he is doing to improve Daedalus, and when he expects to get things done. He believes that the optimizations he is conducting will make a huge improvement in FPS, and in effect, playability of all ROMs. Outstanding work StrmnNrmn, keep up the progress!


Here's what StrmnNrmn has to say on the progress:

"Overall I'd say the dynarec is currently achieving up to a 100% speedup in the roms I've tested, which I'm very excited about. Mario is certainly starting to feel a lot more playable, and the Mario Kart menus are a lot more responsive now...


...Although the list is quite short, there's quite a lot of work there. What I'm quite excited about is that I think these changes will start to provide significant speedups as they're implemented. I don't want to get too far ahead of myself, but I'm starting to feel that certain roms are going to be very playable in the not too distant future...


...I'm going to try and release a new version of the emulator soon. Unfortunately it's probably not going to be this weekend (due to various social commitments); towards the end of the following week is more likely. I'd certainly like to get a version released before the World Cup starts and all my free time is taken up watching football."


En gros, de ce que j'ai pigé, il a réussit à rendre plus rapide son émulateur et bcp de jeu deviendront deja un peu mieux jouables. Et on devrait avoir une nouvelle version avant le début de la Coupe du Monde


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oui j'avais vu j'ai pas osez faire un nouveau post pour sa excellente nouvelle en tous cas au niveau fps sa casse pas non plus des briques


Previous Framerate (Hz) Current Framerate (Hz)


Mario Head 3 6

Mario Main Menu 14 25

Mario Peach Letter 6-7 11

Mario Flyby (under bridge) 6 10

Mario In Game 5-6 9

Mario Kart Nintendo logo 10 23

Mario Kart Flag 6 11

Mario Kart Menu 7 11

Zelda Nintendo Logo 20 23

Zelda Start Menu 2-3 4

Zelda Main Menu 10 13

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