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Seule Solution-->"HotSwap"


Valable pour "BreakerPro","PSHacker","PSX Change1/2","Goldfinger","GameHunter",etc...


D'ailleurs je te conseille le "Breaker Pro".


Le Hot-Swap:


Playing multi disk Import and Backup Games:
There are 2 ways to boot up the second CD-R or import disk:

You can save game information from the end of disk one onto your memory card and then boot up disk two from the memory card (recommended way).

Or if you don't have a memory card or a game that saves at the end of disk one you will have to do the following:
When prompted for the 2nd disk remove Import or Backup disk 1 and insert the demo disk (any black bottom disk will do fine but the demo disk works the best) , decompress the spring for a second and then uncompress the spring so the playstation "thinks" that you opened the door for disk 2, press the start button, allow the demo disk to spin for about 1 second then remove the spinning disk and replace it with the import disk 2 or CD-R disk 2. The second disk will boot up perfectly! If it does not work on the first attempt try again... It will.



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