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Messages recommandés

d'apres ce que je sais la ligne a rentrée est dans le select.def



sinon, moi apres des milliers (a peine exagéré ) d'essais non-reussis, je fait une pause, ca me gave...


edit: tiens j'ai trouver ca



;How to add characters


;Use the format:

; charname, stagefilename


;eg. For a player with filename "kfm",

; and stage filename "stages/mybg.def"

;type (without the semicolon):

; kfm, stages/mybg.def


;If you want to load a different def file, you can enter it

;as a directory plus the def file. This example loads up


; kfm/alt-kfm.def, stages/mybg.def


;If you put "random" as the stagefilename, then a random stage will

;be selected for that player. eg.

; kfm, random


;Zipped characters are also supported (experimental).

;Place the ZIP file in the chars/ directory. The name of the

;character's .def must match the name of the .zip. For example, if

;you have suave.def, then the zip file should be named

;, stages/mybg.def


;Optional parameters may follow on the same line, separated

;by commas. Each parameter has the form:

; paramname = paramvalue

;where paramname is the name of the parameter type, and

;paramvalue is the value to assign that parameter.

;The optional parameters are:


; - music

; Set the paramvalue to the name of the music file to use

; as the BGM for that character. This overrides the bgmusic

; parameter in the stage's .def file, so you can re-use the

; same stage for multiple characters, but have a different

; BGM playing for each person.


; - includestage

; Set the paramvalue to 0 to avoid including this stage

; in the stage select list (in VS, training modes, etc)


; - order

; Set the paramvalue to the ordering priority to give the

; character. Valid values are from 1 to 10. A smaller value

; means you will fight the character sooner. You will never

; fight an order 2 character before an order 1 character,

; and never an order 3 character before an order 2 one.

; For example, you might want to set your boss character

; to have order=3. The default order value is 1 if you omit

; this param. See *.maxmatches under [Options] for how to

; limit the number of matches per order priority.


; Some examples:

; kfm, stages/mybg.def, includestage=0

; kfm, stages/mybg.def, music=sound/song.mp3

; kfm, stages/mybg.def, music=sound/song.mp3, includestage=0

; kfm, stages/mybg.def, order=3


;You can also add a randomize icon to the select screen. To do

;this, put the word "randomselect" on a line of its own, with no

;extra parameters.


;Insert your characters below.


kfm, stages/kfm.def




;Put extra stages here. They will be available in VS and Watch modes.

;For example, you can insert "stages/mybg.def".




;Here you set the maximum number of matches to fight before game ends

;in Arcade Mode. The first number is the number of matches against

;characters with order=1, followed by order=2 and order=3 respectively.

;For example, for 4,3,1 you will fight up to 4 randomly-picked

;characters who have order=1, followed by 3 with order=2 and 1 with


arcade.maxmatches = 6,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0


;Maximum number of matches to fight before game ends in Team Mode.

;Like arcade.maxmatches, but applies to Team Battle.

team.maxmatches = 4,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0


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d'apres ce que je sais la ligne a rentrée est dans le select.def 



merci .



sinon, moi apres des milliers (a peine exagéré) d'essais non-reussis, je fait une pause, ca me gave...


on rèfléchi mieux avec une tête reposée .



edit : entre tps t'a rééditer , ducoup je te re-remercie .

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Pourquoi refaire toutes les lignes ??


Dans le pack, y'a tous qui est prêt


Un conseil, faites un truc propre : effacer tous de Xmugen dans le E et F ), re-telecharger l'Ultimate Pack ( si vous l'avez supprimé bien sur ) !



Vous obtenez 2 dossiers, e mugen et f mugen :


-Ouvrir "e mugen", selectionner tout, et balancez ça à la racine du E


-Ouvrir "f mugen", selectionner tout, et balancez ça à la racine du F ! Ensuite, par FTP dans "data" , enlever la majuscule du dossier "Custom" ( qui devient "custom" ! )


Ensuite, rebooter la Xbox, demarrer le programme par le default.xbe du dossiers Mugen dans la partiontion "F" !


Brancher que 2 manettes, debrancher la télécommande si vous en avez une


J'ai l'impression de me répéter


Musashi, on voit ça sur Msn

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