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le firmware cracké


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il ne vont jamais te lacher le firmware si tu risque detre banni du live. Et ils ont présicer que cette methode marchait sur le xbolive kils ont personnelement testé, perso je ne pense pas que c'est un fake, le firmware n'a pas était hacké rapidement il était simplement tres proche de celui de la premiere xbox qui a mis elle 4années pour etre cracké au point de vue firmware.
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Ca a pas trop l'air d'être un fake mais cela porte tout de meme a confusion.....mais quel est donc l'interêt de filmer de si pres et d'effectuer un travelling/deplacement sur fond de Prodigy????.... sinon pour porter a confusion????

Il ont qu'a filmer a contrebas pour qu'on puisse tout voir dans son ensemble(360+TV), en plan fixe et surtout avec le son d'origine.....là on pourrait mieux voir et entendre si coupure au montage il y avait eu....

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PSP homebrew developer Nytrix, from our forums, has confirmed an earth shattering breakthrough in the Xbox 360 hacking scene today. As you know, we earlier, reported on the issue of backup games being playable on the Xbox 360. The author of the video was unwilling to give out the technique that he used to accomplish this feat. However, Nytrix has gone above and beyond and determined the methods used and claims to have duplicated the procedure, along with providing more information on exactly how and why this is possible. Apparently this is only applicable (at this time) on the Hitachi drives that come with the Xbox 360, however we expect to see breakthroughs in all drives very soon. Here is a quote from our forums from Nytrix.

I have figured out how it was done in the video. (the video of the guy playing the PGR3 backup) here's the instructions, I am currently playing Full Auto (Backed up).

It's a modified firmware of the Xbox 360 DVD-ROM drive. As you (should) know, all Xbox 360 executables (XEX files) are signed by Microsoft (with a private key only MS has). This means that if you try to change anything to the XEX file, the signature will be wrong and the file will not boot.

Now ... to protect from booting an exact 1:1 copy of a game from a DVD-+R, microsoft gave each XEX file a 'mediaflag'. This mediaflag tells the Xbox 360 from which media (cd-r, dvd-r, dvd+r, dvd-rw, hdd, dvdxbox, dvdxbox360, ...). Changing this mediaflag in XEX is not an option as it'll break the signature (see above), so ... what's done in this firmware hack is breaking the detection of the disc.

As you can see, he has found the flaw in Microsoft's self professed "bullet proof security" by simply modifying the firmware of the DVD drive to allow backup copies of official games to boot. Now as simple as this may sound, it does require some advanced soldering skills, and will probaby not be within the means of the average person. However, with this astonishing breakthrough, we do fully expect to see Xbox 360 DVD ROM's for sale on ebay with the hacked firmware soon.


source :


mais sa ne marche que sur les lecteur Hitachi et puis ils ne veulent pas le montré au publique car anti piracy

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J'espère que d'autres team mettront à profit le fait que cette faile existe pour nous sortir une puce (étant donné que le hack du firmware revient a été installé sur cube grace aux puces de type XenoGC si je m'abuse...)


Allez la scène XBOX 360, on est tous avec toi!!!

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