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La PS3 en sortie mondiale en Novembre !


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desolé c'est un peu Hors sujet mais j'ai trouvé sa ! sa me rejouis beaucoup


JAPANESE HDD giant Fujitsu said it will start shipping a 200GB 2.5-inch serial drive in the third quarter of this year.

It claims that the introduction of the drive will give desktop equivalent performance. The stunningly named MHV2200BT includes a hardware accelerator to improve native command queuing performance. That allows the HDD drive controller to simultaneously queue and re-order 32 instructions, improving the performance.

The drive takes 1.6W consumption, has a track to track seek time of 1.5ms, and a host transfer rate of a maximum 150MB/s. No details of pricing are yet available.


voila donc le DD 200 giga 2.5" sortira en 2006 et moi perso je suis trop content car je me vois bien prendre ce DD pour la PS3 comme sa tranquil

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