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PSP HTTPD v0.6 Released


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Bonjour ! Voila un petit homebrew qui devrait ravir les retissant de l'usb ...


PSP-HTTPD is an extremely portable web server that runs off just your PSP’s Wi-Fi capabilities, in Infrastructure mode. When you start it up, it will connect to the Wi-Fi router and then your PSP will be accessible by any other Internet-capable device on your network. This means that you can wirelessly browse the files on your PSP using your computer, cell phone, PDA, or even a second web browser-enabled PSP! If you’re really short on computers, you can open up your router to the web and host a website off your PSP.

Also, starting at 0.6, you can upload files to your PSP wirelessly from anywhere in the world just by using your web browser. There is also a new module called LHP included. This allows you to embed Lua code in web pages, to create dynamic server-side scripts on your PSP.

Changes in v0.6:
* Created the first implementation of LHP, for Lua-powered dynamic pages with psp-httpd
* Server can now parse variables in both GET and POST requests
* Included a script for file uploading
* Folder listing templates include a link to file uploader
* All network output (folder listings, headers, etc.) is now sent in chunks
* Server will not automatically restart after an error
* Added orange as a colour code for graphicsPrint

Make sure you read (or at least skim) the Readme 0.6.txt file for instructions on how to install and use PSP-HTTPD. 


En gros pour ce qui capte un chou ... cet homebrew cree un sorte de connexion entre votre pc et votre psp et permet d'acceder et de naviguer dans votre psp via le wifi.

Et il est egalement possible d'uploader des fichioer sur votre psp via vet homebrew.

voilou voilou



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En fait tu accèdes à ta PSP en passant par le WIFI

Mais il faut que tu rajoutes un code trojan unless après la clef wep


Lorsque tu arrives au menu principal tu fais 2x L1 puis L2

Tu fais demi cercle avant et demi cercle arrière

La page unlocked apparait


Tu peux alors naviguer inconnu


Je crois avoir bien résumé les posts de tout le monde

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