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Homebrew pour tous (meme 2.6)


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Bon bin voila merci a fanjita (sources PSPUPDATES)




Homebrew Games and Emulation for ALL PSP's!



That’s right, the day we’ve all been waiting for has finally arrived! Thanks to the fantastic work by our forum moderator Fanjita and his coding companion Ditlew, it is now possible to play vast amounts of homebrew programs and emulators on every PSP in the world, including those with 2.60 Firmware! Thanks to their monumental achievement, every PSP in the world is capable of playing homebrew!


We here at PSPUpdates and are proud to be the first to bring you an exclusive release of eLoader BETA for GTA which now works on 2.01, 2.50, and 2.60 Firmware! With this ground breaking program, you are able to load the many of the existing homebrew games, applications, and emulators that are already available for earlier versions of PSP firmware.


You can find a complete list of working/not working homebrew [here]. But just to get you started, here are a few popular homebrew programs that are known to work so you can get started experiencing the full potential of PSP homebrew:


Super Nintendo Emulator

Sega Genesis Emulator

Atari Lynx Emulator




Spider Solitaire




And for all of the PSP enthusiasts reading this, here is a special message from Fanjita himself:


I just want to say thank you to all of the PSP lovers out there for supporting us. Keep checking back here at PSPUpdates -- our goal is to continue to give all PSP owners with all firmware versions the ability to play homebrew.



Ca sent bon tous ca...a quand le loader d'iso maintenant




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