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open ttd keske c'est????


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OpenTTD Now Playable

Posted by m1ndle5s


OpenTTD, what the …..? Yeah, I’m not going to explain what it is. So I’m going to let Turulo from the DCemu forums do the job. Also, when you unzip the file, you’ll notice that one folder is named 1.52, ignore the name it is suppose to be 1.50.


Here’s some screen shots…




I have started a port of OpenTTD game based on the original Transport Tycoon Deluxe. Now the port is playable but save/load doesnt work by the moment.


More info about the game and full feature list:


I include the readme that contains all the information about port status, etc ..




OpenTTD is a clone of the Microprose game “Transport Tycoon Deluxe”, a popular game originally written by Chris Sawyer. It attempts to mimic the original game as closely as possible while extending it with new features.


OpenTTD is originaly developed by the openttd team and has been ported to the PSP by Jaime Penalba. This code is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2.0. For more information, see the file ‘COPYING’ included with every release and source download of the game.





To run OpenTTD it is *required* that you install certain files needed from the

original retail Transport Tycoon Deluxe, whether for DOS or Windows.


1.- Copy the “ottd/” directory into your psp at “/PSP/GAME/” (game data)


2.- Depending on your psp version (game executable)

* 1.0 & 2.0 (2.0 not tested), Copy the “1.00/ottd/” dir to “/PSP/GAME/”

* 1.52, Copy the “1.52/ottd/” & “1.52/ottd%/” dirs to “/PSP/GAME/”


3.- Now you must install some data files from the retail Transport Tycoon Deluxe

you will find the game easily on some abandonware sites or p2p networks. To

install them you must copy the following files to “/PSP/GAME/ottd/data/”







- Digital pad: 1px movement

- Analog stick: 2px movement

- Cross: mouse left click

- Circle: mouse right click, hold it and press pad to move arround the map.

- Square: hold it and press pad or analog, to move a window.

- Triangle: Closes the window under mouse cursor (BE CAREFULL, you will see)

- L trigger: Zoom out

- R trigger: Zoom in

- L trigger + R trigger: Delete all non vital windows





This port is still in early development, if you want to contribute, contact me.


By the moment it cannot save or load games, but game is playable, i have managed to play for more than 1 hour without problems. Just create a new game with random generated terrain to play


Here is the list of things pending to be fixed.


- Pending major fixes

* Fix saveload functions

* Enable network mode


- Pending minor fixes needed

* Support midi tracks

* Resize some windows

* Fix dropdown menus positioning

* Screenshots support

* Fix map button/dialog





Source code and updates can be found at:





Any kind of patch, sugestion or contribution is wellcome, contact me.


You can get the port here.

And you can get the source code here.

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OpenTTD est un portage opensource du jeu Transport Tycoon Deluxe qui est sorti il y a au moins 10 ans sur PC. Un excellent jeu de gestion, sympa à utiliser.


L'idéal serait qu'il soit jouable en Wifi mais le portage actuel ne le permet pas.


Aussi on ne peut pas encore charger/sauvegarder de parties, ce qui est dommage pour un jeu pareil.


Mais c'est sans conteste un homebrew de qualité que voilà.

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