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Messages recommandés

# 1. Copy the *.gba and *.sav file which in the SuperPass 2 installed folder with the same front name of firmware to CF/SD card Root.
For Example: "AUSE-0.gba" and "AUSE-0.sav"

# 2. Do not insert SuperPass 2, only Insert SuperCard, Turn on NDS to GBA mode and run the "AUSE-0.gba" file.

# 3. Insert SuperPass 2 with your original NDS cart and then turn off the NDS power.

# 4. Turn on the NDS again quickly, better in 10 seconds. Now, you can enter NDS mode, play Games in SuperCard or FlashMe your NDS Bios now.

Note: Each time you turn off the NDS more than 20 seconds, you need to do the procedure again***


je parlais d'un SuperPass 2 (évidament ... j'ai oublier de présciser) qui permet la compatibiliter avec tout les DS récente (en ayant une récente . . . .) et il me semble qu'on s'amuse bcp a enlever remettre enlever remettre ....

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