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La Xbox 360 est disponible au Japon

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dis moi, j'aimerai bien avoir un lien qui confirme une tel news! " le net dans certains magasins que dans certains magasins la Xbox 360 a baissé son prix de 38000 yen a 18800 yen notez bien que 18800 c'est moin cher qu'une PSP 1000"


sa viendrai pas plutot d'une rumeur lancer sur un forum pro-sony ça? ou alors je me plante complétement...... .

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"Japanese Gamers Speak about Xbox 360

>> There have been enough western press and research firms telling us how the Xbox 360 Launch went in Japan, but what do the Japanese say?



No one really seems to know what the Japanese gaming community makes of the western aggressor/courtier Microsoft and its new console. We decided that the best thing to do would be to ask.

Interestingly, the main vibe is upbeat, belying sluggish sales and the Western media's thinly disguised glee at what on the surface seems a botched venture. Though from the selection of gamers we spoke to, most are willing to buy into the 360 - when the right software arises and interestingly, several claimed the marketing support for the 360 didn't get the message across...

"There's nothing special about the way Microsoft promotes 360. Many softcore gamers don't care for high specs or high definition," one gamer said. "Microsoft in Japan didn't really explain what Xbox 360 is capable of," commented another. " The main reason why Japanese people weren't attracted to Xbox and 360 was that the promotion was terrible. Bad promotion, yet pretty expensive compared to other game systems."


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on m'a deja posé sa .... mais bon moi si je vend une Xbox 360 Jap c'est a partir de 700 €( ) donc bon ...


enfait je viens de retrouvé la news et puis enfait c'etait comme avec une PSP (j'avias vu pareil) enfait c'est 18000 avec un abonement chez un FAI special o japon ....


donc la console est bien vendu a 38800 yen(280€)

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