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ou est le probleme tu repass en 1.5 quand tu veux et c'est tout


Posted by Errant on maxcosoles forum:


Problem with GTA:LCS identified


After spending about 4 hours trying to get GTA:LCS to work, I have identified both the error, and the reason for the error. The error of FFFFFED3 stands for 'missing descrambling key'. Executables for the PSP are encrypted, then scrambled. The 1.xx PRXes are scrambled once, all with the same mask. The 2.xx PRXes are scrambled twice, and use three different scrambling masks for three different files. (It still uses the 1.xx scrambling mask for the first scrambling step) For the PSP to identify which mask it should use, the executables have tags.






These are the three 2.00 PRX tags we're aware of.






These are the three 1.00 PRX tags we're aware of.


The GTA EBOOT.BIN has the tag 0xC0CB167C. Now, as you have all correctly spotted by now, that tag is nowhere in the list. Now ofcourse, this is nothing new, the other EBOOT.BINs all had the tag 0x08000000. But the problem is that with the 2.00 firmware, a new tag means a new scrambling mask. And we don't have that mask. Yet. Now, my coding skills are rusty at best, and I don't really know where I should start looking for the new mask (Aside from in the firmware dump, but 14MB is a lot of file), and the actual descrambling could be hard. So anyone wanting to take a crack at it (Only serious replies please, the forum is cluttered enough), feel free. If you actually managed to find the descrambling mask, you could use the PSAR Dumper v0.2a sourcecode to descramble the EBOOT.BIN, and modify the tag to 0x08000000.


la faille a été trouvé apparamen quand même..

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Je crois que c'est mort paske en faite sony fait tous pour ke les gens passe en 2.0 et arrete de fer chié avec les iso tous sa ct deja calculé lol le fait de laisser une faille pour ke les gens achete des MS a gogo et apres bloké le tous pour ke les gens achete les jeux c'est vrai ke sony est plus gagnant il perde un jeux a 50€ mais vendent des MS allant juska 200€ loooool (jme fé des film mais ptete ke c vrai?? ki c ???)

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donc si on modifie ces bintz on peut joué sur 1.5 ? a vrai dire je vais me dl GTA LCS meme si j'ai commandé le UMD comme sa je laisserais mon UMD neuf sous blister
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ouais, ben moi je dit, si tout les prochain jeux c'est comme ca, ben à chaque fois on devra faire un truc différent r chaque jeu avant de pouvoir jouer avec !
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