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Sorti a 23h00 du psp dashboard fw 1.5 1.51 1.52 2.0

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Quelle soirée .. un fake ... un blairo qui se prend pour le pirate du siecle sur le chan de La_Crampe !!


J'étais mort de rire !!! avec La_Crampe et Tiju


Dommage quand meme ^^ !! pour les pauvres 1.52 et 2.0

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Bon comme tout le monde j'ai vue que le rendez-vous de 23h00 etait un fake. Hé oui un Fake of boulle de 41mo mais bon je vais restais ce matin pour voir si quelque chose se passe sur le chan irc off mais là toujours rien ^^ je vous tiendrez au courant.
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Interview de Foen (dev du truc en question) par un membre de psp-scene ... çà semple plus que sérieux !!!


vu les prob qu'ils peuvent avoir aux vu du chan ... nous y verrons plus clair demain dans la journée


Priez mes freres !!

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Ouais ca l'air serieux ?


En attendant, je reste sceptique car, meme moi je peux avancer ce genre de choses....


En esperant que cela fonctionnera, mais c'est amrrant de voir comment tout le monde fuck la WAB maintenant.


Ah la scene psp est plein de rigolos qui feraient mieux de se taire.


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Aucun lien n'est encore disponible pour le moment, le type upload sur plusieur serveur a ce que j ai compris.En attendant vous pouvez toujorus lire l'interview et jugerz par vous meme si il ment :






<brad666> sorry to pm you but just need more info about Freeze_PSP_Dashboard_0.9_BETA1.rar to put up on our site! Can you help me?

<FOen> yes i can

<brad666> can you tell me a little about it?

<FOen> did you read the nfo ?

<brad666> maybe do a small interview for the site

<brad666> sure did

<FOen> I will do the interview

<brad666> 1st up dose it work?

<brad666> straight to the point sorry

<FOen> yeah it works we got many ppl in tiel (the netherlands) on the marked for beta testing

<FOen> 1 bricked psp in the whole progress

<brad666> so if im not wrong ver1.5x and 2 can play homebrew as from 2day?

<FOen> we replace the whole firmware there isn’t any secrerty anymore so all homebrew work and we block the UMD updater

<FOen> so if you put this firmware on it you can’t upgrade your psp anymore with org firmware

<brad666> this sounds to good to be true, with the scene being let down badly already people are not going to believe this!

<brad666> but i do something about it rings true

<brad666> so did you rewrite the firmware?

<FOen> there is a problem video isn’t proof anymore we dint yell like wab we make it work and than we release but ppl are making it diff to upload ddosers flooders

<FOen> and things like that

<FOen> so im still uploading

<FOen> many ppl downloaded from false torrents

<brad666> i have just got it now

<FOen> there isn’t an official release made yet PS2MAN is the host

<brad666> so what do i have

<brad666> by the lucks of it its being leeched m8

<FOen> we are working hard now to upload it to many mirrors than release it

<FOen> the fucking jackass that posted the fake torrent

<brad666> you know if you guys have done it you’ll be gods

<FOen> we dont want to be god we just want some respect

<FOen> but we got flamed to much so this mebay or first and the last release

<FOen> the final release will only be for the ppl that respected our work

<brad666> can understand that, but dont worry about flamers, like i said after wab fucked things up it will take time for ppl to trust again

<FOen> I will add to my thx list on the final release

<brad666> so the beta it works with no problems

<brad666> or should i say no none problems

<brad666> sorry it was some porn movie not your Freeze_PSP_Dashboard_0.9_BETA1.rar i downloaded bastards

<FOen> yeah that’s the beta resean there are still bugs we dont know

<FOen> Freeze_PSP_Dashboard_0.9_BETA1.r00 is fake

<FOen> Freeze_PSP_Dashboard_0.9_BETA1.r92 is fake

<brad666> i just found out

<brad666> where could i get a copy from?

<FOen> from PS2man is going to host the files

<FOen> but my real ip is *****

<FOen> im here with proxy so IRC bots cant flood my ip

<brad666> ok would you like to host it on our site?

<brad666> so when will we see the beta copy

<FOen> yeah i will host it on your site

<brad666> im in the phone brb in 2mins

<FOen> i will quit with the msg for more info come to

<FOen> i mean :P

<brad666> thanks

<brad666> brb

<brad666> can we still play all retail games and movies on the dash?

<FOen> yeah i played a retail game Spiderman 2 works movies alwase work more codec’s added as well

<brad666> this sounds too good to be true! so sorry to go over things but this bits for the noobs

<brad666> it works on 1.5x and 2.0

<FOen> yeah it works on 1.5x jap eur and usa 2.0 tested eur en usa not tested on jap

<brad666> 1.5x and 2.0 can play homebrew and isos?

<FOen> yes isos fully working and more than 1 game on ms work great as well

<brad666> divx works?

<FOen> yeah xvid 2

<FOen> btw i will upload the dashboard

<FOen> to

<FOen> im going to add first a list of lamers like

<FOen> than i will give psp-scenes the full credits

<brad666> now you said once on you cant never upgrade again, is that sony upgrade i take it you will be doing upgrades for the dash? btw i will upload the dashboard to thanks will we see it 2day?

<FOen> i hope if not it will be tomorrow and i will fully thx to for this great interview will be the biggest commutie when the dash is fully uploaded

<brad666> thanks m8 just hope everything works out well for you

<brad666> so you dont mind if i post this interview

<FOen> nope feel free to edit some type faults of me

<FOen> if you want to know more about it add me to msn

<FOen> foen****@*****.***

<brad666> will do thanks again brad666 add me to *******************

<FOen> oke

<brad666> any chance of a +v

<FOen> done





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Des conneries les gars des CONNERIES !!!


LE DG , Dasboard, ou peu importe le nom, le truc qui nous fera lancer nos homebrew ne sera pas aussi plebicité que ca !!


ca sera dans l'ombre.. et un matin .. HOP LE BORDEL EST LA ..!!




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Comme je disais, aucune preuve !

Tout le monde peut ecrire ca, il n'y a aucun terme technique sur lesquels s'appuyer.


Par contre, il a raison a propos des videos : Cela ne prouve rien du tout !!

Bref on attends, mais je trouve que ca fait un peu long pour Un upload : Meme avec un 33.6 ( si ca existe encore lol ) il devrait avoir finit d'uploader.


En meme temps un DEV en 33.6 ca parait etonnant de nos jours.....

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je viens de rentrer du taff et quand j ai vu le Topic je me suis jetté dessus et en lisant ton post carleone ca ma donné envie de me coucher tout de suite!!

apparament il y a eu de l'activité hier soir en mon absence j ai manqué un Fake

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