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PsP Firmware 2.0 Hacké

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OU comment installer un truc qui va bousiller vos psp !!!!!! Enfin je veux pas jouer les mauvaises langues et dire que c'est forcément un truc bidon vu que je l'ai pas, mais un fichier qui traine comme sa sur le réseau sans aucune annonce officielle j'ai des doutes quand même (pourtant je serai le 1er heureux que cela soit effectivement vrai !!!) Ba le mieu je crois c'est d'attendre, moi aussi je trouve sa chiant mais bon la psp est sortie chez nous ya 2 jours, faut laisser du temps aux dévellopeurs de nous pondre de jolies choses
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Sa vient d'ici voila ce qu'il y a dans le readme :




Well, I must say, the email and subsequent files that I received have been pretty convincing.


Let me cut right to the email:


As you know homebrews do not work on 2.00 or 1.51 or 1.52.


If you place a homebrew on a 2.00 PSP it wont run says corrupt data.

I have made a homebrew that will go past that. it will actually stat loading up. Just with the PSP screen coming up and the music playing.

The game is PSP tic tac toe. I want my named mentioned as I am register with you guys, My name is realritzcracker, ritzcracker, canesfan08.

You are the first with this breaking news. so i would appreciate you to list my name by the download like with all your other members.


This 2.00 homebrew was made by realritzcracker ritzcracker and canesfan08. This program is only for 2.00 owners.


This homebrew will read as a update to 2.10. which is not real and the foler is named update cause UPDATE is the only folder the 2.00 psp will read as not corrupt and it has to be named as This homebrew was made by realritzcracker aka dico aka canesfan08 aka ritzcracker aka crisco

this will not update you psp this is for 2.00 version psp only. The 2.00 psp will only read the file UPDATE

as not corrupt any other file name in the game folder will read as corrupt. That is why the folder is named

UPDATE and the security of the 2.00 psp will only read updates. and the updates have to be higher then 2.00

so that is why it reads as psp version update 2.10 which is fake. This will not update your psp. This is only for

2.00 psp. I'm not responsible for your psp breaking. this is not a update and is only for 2.00 pspa update to not be corrupt. I also have a video of this working in the video you can see me filming with my bad digital camera showing you the version 2.00 the wallpaper function and the web browser the me going to the game file and running the homebrew ill send three emails one with eboot one with video one with read me



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