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Salut, j'ai reçu ma neoflash jeudi et tout ça gratuitement (merci à neoflash) donc je vais faire un point sur cette cartouche.


Alors je débal la petite boite qui contient la neoflash, je trouve tout un tas de trucs dedans:

-3 Piles

-Des autocollants

-Une cartouche GBA

-La magik key (une sorte de passme)

-Le slim Loader III

-La ralonge USB 2.0

-Le cd d'installation






Bon j'installe le logiciel, avec le driver, j'ouvre le logiciel.

Ce logiciel permet de mettre pas mal de chose dans la cartouche GBA: TXT / HTML / JPG / GIF / BMP / PNG / NES / SEGA GG / PC-E / GB / GBA / NDS / ...

Pour l'instant on ne peut mettre qu'une rom DS à la fois . Les roms DS marchent bien.


Mon casse brique:



La démo de meteos:



Et j'ai même tester Mario 64 qui marche. Tout marche sauf les sauvegardes

Cette magik key n'est en fait qu'un passme mais en plus pratique



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question indiscrette , pkoi tu l'a eu gratos ?

merci pour ce tuto en tout cas 



The FREE 512M NEO Kit for NDS developer



Et comme tu peus le savoir je programme sur DS

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c good ca !!


comment tu fais pour l'obtenir , je suis codeur egalement mais ca fais un bail que j'ai pas coder ,et coder sur ds ca m'interesse bcp !

la derniere machine que j'avais coder ct la dream .


tu pourrai m'indiquez comment l'obtenir ?

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Alright, so as anyone who idles on the forum or in the channel can tell, things are starting to get out of hand with the free NeoFlash offers.

No disrespect to those applying, but a lot of the time a site is a quick hack job, or a DS section with just links (if anything) added. Of course, a handful of the time someones inspired to do some work on a small game or app.

So, to throw things in a different direction, the simple handouts will be ending.. but fear not. There are plenty of prizes to be given away in the first DS-Only coding competition, offered by NeoFlash.

The rules are fairly straight forward, but bound to change.

There will be 2 categories for entries. The first is for homebrew games, the second, for apps. Apps include loaders, emulators, calculatrice, audio players, and whatever else you can think up.

The game division will have ten prizes total. The first 5 coders will get a NeoFlash 1Gb. Second 5 get a 512Mb unit.

edit: Just recieved an offer of 3 PSPs. The top ranking game will have a PSP prize, as will the first and second place application.

The app division only has 5 places, as we're looking for quality apps that might take a bit longer to code than the average small game. The prizes will be 1Gb units.

We are looking for *complete* programs. It's always nice to see a work in progress, but please don't submit anything until it's final. One entry per author please. Also, don't post your work publically. An email address will be given closer to the dead-line for submission. A NeoFlash banner is required before the main program starts. A simple 'touch to continue' is fine Wink

If its obvious that a lot of effort was put into your project, you won't go away empty handed. It seems no one is selling passmes anymore, so a developer can't get far without one.. or in this case, a free magic key!

So please, get on it! You've got through June 15th to complete your program. It should also be mentioned that anyone who has already recieved a free neoflash can still enter, but isn't allowed to recieve another free unit Smiley

The rules are likely to change at any given moment. Refresh like a madman!

(Free kits are still available to anyone with a very popular game site. No, that doesn't mean among your classmates. Think emuholic, etc Wink

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j ai pas tres bien compris comment marche le neo flash linker. J ai une DS mais d accessoires pour passer les back up GBA ou DS. Est ce l'accessoire qu il me faut ou dois je attendre un peu ? comment ça marche ? faut des cartouches vierges ou des cartouches originales DS, j ai pas tout compris ..


Merci de l aide

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