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DVD+R/-R:quelle différence?

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à la base les dvd+r étaient destiné à vidéo donc les dvd de films seulemnt pou un question de compatibilité universelle ils ont lancé les -r.

il me semble que c sa car il y a pas mal d'incompatibliité des +r avec les lecteur dvd pc et salon. en particulier ceux des pc.

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TU te trompe c'est seulement une question commerciale


.The truth is that the two competing technologies use different formats. No single company "owns" DVD and both technologies have their "champions".


DVD-R/RW was developed by Pioneer. Based on CD-RW technology, it uses a similar pitch of the helix, mark length of the 'burn' for data, and rotation control. DVD-R/RW is supported by the DVD Forum, an industry-wide group of hardware and software developers, and computer peripheral manufacturers. The DVD-R format has been standardized in ECMA-279 by the Forum, but this is a private standard, not an 'industry' ISO standard like the CD-R/RW Red Book or Orange Book standard.


DVD+R/RW is also based on CD-RW technology. DVD+R/RW is supported by Sony, Philips, HP, Dell, Ricoh, Yamaha, and others, and has recently been endorsed by Microsoft. DVD+R/RW is not supported by the DVD Forum, but the Forum has no power to set industry standards, so it becomes a market-driven issue.

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