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Pour dire la verité!

Il est deja reuçi!!!


Hier j'ai discute avec Mek! Et bon ci je me souvient bien il sera la pour tres bien tot!!!!


je peut meme preske afirme qu' il est deja la... ci tout va bien ça sera pour n'emporte quelle moment!!!


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Changes in "v0.1" release (27/09/2004):


- it has a G.U.I.

- the FastForWard feature is 100% working (doesn't crash anymore) (D-pad _ right)

- swap CD feature more perfect

- plays movies/clips that don't have sound

- no more resolution limit

- more...


Changes in "Beta 5" release (15/06/2004):


- FFW a bit more stable

- New cache system (re-write it all)

- a little more of speed

- some things re-added


Changes in "May 2nd" release (02/05/2004):


- More stability

- Better CD-swap suport than the original

(now it will read that CDs that BETA 4 doesn't read)

- a bit more of speed (it was optimazed)










Marc E. Dukette - (Original autor) and all ppl around him!

Mekanaizer -


BERO - for some great work


BlueCrab - for the info in his site and his


Reaper2k - for the info in his site and his


*'Blender' - for the test beta and bug repport


Nicolas - for this hardware help to *'Blender'


SEGA - for Dreamcast

- and all the ppl in the scene -


Enjoy it!







Mpeg - (VCD/SVCD) suport



Pour le futur on atend le VCD/SVCD !!!!



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