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SOS probleme script wiimote pc (glovepie)


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salut a vous a tout les gens de la generation de la wii


voila j'ai acheter un wiimote blanche et je veut l'utiliser au pc comme une souris


j'ai réussi a l’intégrer au pc via bluesoleil


mais mon vrais souci c'est un j'ai pas un bon script pour glovepie


j'ai regarder une vidéo l'a dedans


et ce gars n'utilise pas de sensor bar et il a un mouvement parfait


j'ai essayer de chercher son script sur Google de ne pas me tremper le voici qui s’appelle :




//Mouse Control Script
//by vkapadia
//Change these values until the debug line says all zeros when the wiimote is at rest.
var.trimx = 6
var.trimy = -31
var.trimz = 6
//Tilt Wiimote Up and Down = Move Mouse Up and Down
//Rotate Wiimote Left and Right = Move Mouse Left and Right
//D-Pad = Arrow Keys
//B-Button = Left Click
//Home = Middle Click
//A-Button = Right Click
//Plus and Minus = Control Volume
//One = Play/Pause (I have Win+C set to do that in Winamp.)
//Two = Next Song (I have Win+N set to do that in Winamp.) 
//If the pointer hits the edge of the screen, the Wiimote will rumble a bit.
//The LEDs attempt to emulate KITT's grill from Knight Rider

//Set the D-Pad to function as the Arrow Keys
if wiimote.Up
Up = true
Wait 200 ms
Up = false
if wiimote.Down
Down = true
Wait 200 ms
Down = false
if wiimote.Left
Left = true
Wait 200 ms
Left = false
if wiimote.Right
Right = true
Wait 200 ms
Right = false

//Mouse Buttons
Mouse.RightButton = Wiimote.A
Mouse.LeftButton = Wiimote.B
Mouse.MiddleButton = Wiimote.Home

//Plus and Minus handle Volume
if then
  volumeup = true
  wait 60 ms
  volumeup = false
if wiimote.minus then
  volumedown = true
  wait 60 ms
  volumedown = false

//Winamp Hotkeys (Win+C = Play/Pause; Win+N = Next Song)
Windows+C = wiimote.One
Windows+N = wiimote.Two

//TODO: not satisfied with wiimote.One
//TODO: not satisfied with wiimote.Two
//TODO: not satisfied with wiimote.Plus
//TODO: not satisfied with wiimote.Minus
//TODO: not satisfied with wiimote.Home

//LEDs look somewhat like KITT's grill from Knight Rider
if 0 = 0 then
if var.kitt = 0 then
wiimote.Leds = 1
//wait 200 ms
if var.kitt = 1 then
wiimote.Leds = 3
if var.kitt = 2 then
wiimote.Leds = 6
if var.kitt = 3 then
wiimote.Leds = 12
if var.kitt = 4 then
wiimote.Leds = 8
//wait 200 ms
if var.kitt = 5 then
wiimote.Leds = 12
if var.kitt = 6 then
wiimote.Leds = 6
if var.kitt = 7 then
wiimote.Leds = 3
wait 100 ms
var.kitt = (var.kitt + 1) % 8

//If the mouse reaches the end, rumble for 200 milliseconds
if mouse.x = 0 or mouse.x = 1 or mouse.y = 0 or mouse.y = 1 then
if var.rmbl = false
wiimote.Rumble = 1
wait 200 ms
wiimote.Rumble = 0
var.rmbl = true
var.rmbl = false

//****Everything past here deals with mouse movement*****

// set these to the offsets when the wiimote is at rest
// will be different for each wiimote most likely
var.x = Wiimote.RawForceX + var.trimx //trim to 0
var.y = Wiimote.RawForceY + var.trimy // trim to 0
var.z = Wiimote.RawForceZ + var.trimz //trim to 0

var.sense0 = 500
var.thresh0x = 5
var.thresh0y = 2

var.sense = 300
var.threshx = 10
var.threshy = 5

var.sense2 = 100
var.thresh2x = 15
var.thresh2y = 8

var.sense3 = 50
var.thresh3x = 20
var.thresh3y = 12

//first sensitivity setting
if var.x > var.thresh0x
mouse.x = mouse.x - 1/var.sense0
if var.x < -var.thresh0x
mouse.x = mouse.x + 1/var.sense0

if var.z > var.thresh0y
mouse.y = mouse.y - 1/var.sense0
if var.z < -var.thresh0y
mouse.y = mouse.y + 1/var.sense0

//second sensitivity setting
if var.x > var.threshx
mouse.x = mouse.x - 1/var.sense
if var.x < -var.threshx
mouse.x = mouse.x + 1/var.sense

if var.z > var.threshy
mouse.y = mouse.y - 1/var.sense
if var.z < -var.threshy
mouse.y = mouse.y + 1/var.sense

//third sensitivity setting
if var.x > var.thresh2x
mouse.x = mouse.x - 1/var.sense2
if var.x < -var.thresh2x
mouse.x = mouse.x + 1/var.sense2

if var.z > var.thresh2y
mouse.y = mouse.y - 1/var.sense2
if var.z < -var.thresh2y
mouse.y = mouse.y + 1/var.sense2

//fourth sensitivity setting
if var.x > var.thresh3x
mouse.x = mouse.x - 1/var.sense3
if var.x < -var.thresh3x
mouse.x = mouse.x + 1/var.sense3

if var.z > var.thresh3y
mouse.y = mouse.y - 1/var.sense3
if var.z < -var.thresh3y
mouse.y = mouse.y + 1/var.sense3

debug = var.x + " " + var.y + " " + var.z


le problème c'est que il m’éjecte le curseur en haut a gauche de l'ecran et il reviens vite a ce repaire et je suis obliger de se déconnecter de la session


j'ai aussi utiliser ce scripte l'a qui n'essecite la sensor bar

// Wiimote mouse script for Windows desktop
// Requires a sensor bar

var.ButtonFreezeTime = 250ms
var.PointerBump = KeepDown(Pressed(wiimote.A),var.ButtonFreezeTime) or KeepDown(Pressed(wiimote.B),var.ButtonFreezeTime)
Wiimote.Led1 = true

// Mouse movement
if wiimote.PointerVisible but not var.PointerBump then
 mouse.x = wiimote.PointerX
 mouse.y = wiimote.PointerY
end if

// Mouse Buttons
mouse.LeftButton = Wiimote.A and KeepDown(Wiimote.PointerVisible,0.5s)
mouse.RightButton = Wiimote.B and KeepDown(Wiimote.PointerVisible,0.5s)
mouse.MiddleButton = Wiimote.Home and KeepDown(Wiimote.PointerVisible,0.5s)
mouse.XButton1 = Wiimote.Minus
mouse.XButton2 = Wiimote.Plus

// Mouse Wheel
if wiimote.Up then
 mouse.WheelUp = true
 wait 30ms
 mouse.WheelUp = false
 wait 30ms
end if
if wiimote.Down then
 mouse.WheelDown = true
 wait 30ms
 mouse.WheelDown = false
 wait 30ms
end if


mai j'ai utiliser deux bougie ca a marcher pas bien le curseur part très vite et je le manie très difficilement


et je suis désoler pour l’orthographe car je ne le maitrise pas bien


j'usqu'a present j'ai pu crée de faire un clique droit et gauche et le bouton demarer de Windows


est ce qu'il ya un espoirs pour résoudre ca ?

Modifié par lyokohack
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