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vu que les nouveau firmware apres le 1.61 bloque VHBL, j'ai vu que l'on pouvait bypassé la verif du firmware pour avoir acces au PSN en 1.61


visiblement on peut le faire via le proxy de SKU (ou un autre du meme type)

je cherche des info dessus, je posterai un tuto quand j'aurais réussi


si vous avez un tuto n'esitez pas a le mettre ici

Modifié par lesteph25
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SKFU's Vita Pr0xy 1.10




Les fonctionnalités sont :

Proxy especially for PS VITA, but surely works for anything

Filters especially for PlayStation Network traffic

Automatic fixes of misformated URL's

Raw data, DNS, and URL replacement

"Last request" fast access

SSL support

Save Logs



Version 1.10

No more BETA

Many many bugfixes

100% Clean Award added

Load Log function added

Save Log function modified

MAC + Linux support Vous aurez besoin d'installer Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable Package (x86) et Win32 OpenSSL v1.0.1 Light.


Download: Free Cloud Storage - MediaFire


Thanks for your great support!





malheureusement le lien ne fonctionne plus, et je galere a trouvé le log



quelqu'un sait si ca marche encore ? histoire de pas se faire c.... pour rien

Modifié par lesteph25
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je vous fait un petit retour


j'ai tenté avec ce soft : yet another Bypass 1.7


- j'ai paramétrer le proxy de la ps-vita avec l'addresse ip du PC qui heberge le logiciel, port 27

- j'ai ouvert le port 27 sur mon routeur

- lancé le petit script

- arrêter mon pare feu via "services.msc"


il me propose pas la mise a jour, mais fini par une erreur NW-10678-2

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bon, j'ai bien avancé,


ya juste la derniere etape, j'ai un doute, je ne sait pas si je doit rentrer la valeur 01610000 ou la valeur du firmware actuel : (01670000 je pense)



While watching Wololo’s blog for the release of the Vita HBL I’ve stumbled across something that immediately got my attention; the possibility to bypass Sony’s forced firmware update when connecting to the internet.


Below are the step necessary to connect your PS Vita to PSN without being forced to update. This is taken from the source but I’ve took the liberty to write it out for you guys. I confirmed this using my own European PS Vita on firmware 1.06 (release).

1. Download the psp2-updatelist.xml for your region: Europe, United Kingdom, United States or Japan.

2. Open psp2-updatelist.xml with any editor (i.e. notepad, gedit) and look at line number 3. Change the value of level0_system_version, level1_system_version and level2_system_version to “01.000.000″. On line number 4, change the value of system_version also to “01.000.000″. Save and close the file afterwards.

3. Download and install Charles Proxy.

4. (Optional) If you do not know the IP address of your computer you need to find out what it is before we can continue. In Windows, open up a command promt (Start -> Run, enter “cmd” -> Enter) and type “ipconfig”. Your IP address is noted at IPv4 Address.

5. On your PS Vita, go to Settings -> Network -> Wi-Fi Settings and setup a working internet connection. However, go into Advanced Settings and select Use Proxy Server. There, you need to fill in the IP address of your computer (the one where you will be running Charles Proxy on) and the port number 8888.

6. Start Charles Proxy on your computer and restart your PS Vita. Let the PS Vita connect to the internet (by using Connection Test or something similar) and watch Charles Proxy for any request to Once you see this, navigate the folder in Charles Proxy (it should be expanded already) all the way to psp2-updatelist.xml and right-click on it.

7. Select Map local and choose the file we’re downloaded and edited in steps one and two at Local Path.

8. On the same item, right-click and select Edit from the menu.

9. The right window will now have some tabs in the lower center of the screen. Select Query String and press Add in the new tab.

10. Under name, type “var”. Under value, type “01610000″ (current firmware 1.61 as of the writing of this guide). Now click Execute.

11. You’re now able to browse the PS Store, PS Friend List etc. without being forced to update to the current firmware.

Source: technodon at PS3News forums



PS : a mon avis ca n'est plus fonctionnel, SONY ont fait leurs lourdingue

Modifié par lesteph25
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