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neogeocd v7!!!

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arf tu aura ke du cdrwin

si ta des pb avec cd rwin tent avec alcohol


de rien ten ke s pe aider


les new les voila


Bios grafix now, are not scrambled, Press ( Start,a,b,x,y together to enter bios) This lets you format the memory card.


Auto saving, No user input needed, look at the, VMU to know when it's saving.


Auto game loading now, waits till you open the lid, before checking for a game Saves the dreamcast work.


New Progress status tells you what to do and when Should stop any user error's


Control fix now the select button works bringing in game pause and being able to look at and quit back to the menu from art gallerys.


Now supporting proper 2 players in all games.


new splash screen


Comes with a preformated memory card to use with speuds VMU TOOL has saves built in for metal slug 1 and other games.


Some optmizing to the render Changed some Multis to shifts


In game pause Select button now works With out breaking anlog control support (fosters)


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