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Publication de la méthode pour dumper les clés "Per Console"


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Cette fois si c'est une bonne nouvelle pour la scène PS3 ! Le dongle JB2, alias TrueBlue, va bientôt devenir superflu à ce rythme-là car des personnes du site PS3DevWiki ont publié très récemment une news sur le dump des clés nommées "per console". Si vous vous demandez a quoi elles servent , on pourrait presque dire qu'elles ont des super-pouvoirs. En effet, celles-ci vont avoir un impact considérable sur le hack de la PS3 car elles permettent entre autres de décrypter le metldr, le bootldr et une partie de l'EID. Concrètement, cette découverte va très probablement entamer sur la publication des clés privées et par la suite sur la création d'un nouveau custom firmware. Il suffit simplement que la méthode présentée ici soit exploitée.




Pour les anglophones, voici des explications concernant la Root Key :

EID crypto is very complicated, it is done so on purpose. first of all EID0 isn't decrypted with one key, and one


algorithm alone. it is decrypted in several parts which use different algos and keys. the keys are all derivations


of a per console key (per_console_key_1)which is stored inside metldr and copied by it to sector 0 and never


leaves isolation. that same key is a derivation of the per console key (per_console_key_0) used to encrypt metldr


and the bl in the first place as well.


isoldr clears that key from sector 0 before jumping to the isolated module. but before doing so it encrypts it


with another keyset and stores it in a buffer so that the isolated module can use the new crafted key. since the


operation is AES, if you know that keyset you can decrypt the crafted key and get the eid root key without pwning


a loader or metldr through an isolated module. that is not like you really need it because you can already use the


crafted key to decrypt some of eid0, but not all of it. and the crafted key also uses the first elf section to be


built as in your isolated module will have a small section which only contains a key. and that key is used as another


layer by isoldr to encrypt the buffer with it. so basically you have 2 encryption layers over the root key. the final


key then decrypts a specific part of the EID.


eid crypto is actually done smart. that is because most of it originally comes from the cell bootrom, as in they


reuse the same algo used for metldr binaries and bl in the eid crypto, including some of the keys and the steps.


and you cannot decrypt all of the eid sections unless you gathered every single keys and steps. and there are a


lot then you still have to figure out wtf it is you decrypted because eid is actually full of keys.



Si vous souhaitez en savoir plus sur ces clés, rendez-vous ici:Per Console Keys - PS3 Development Wiki du PS3DevWiki.


News un peu rééditer a ma façon car j'ai pris l'info sur un autre site^^

Modifié par wistine
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