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Release du Firmware LT 2.0 PHAT et 0800V3


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Annoncé la nuit dernière, C4Eva vient de mettre en ligne son nouveau pack de firmwares LT 2.0 destiné aux consoles PHAT, ce nouveau firmware permet l’exécution du nouveau format de jeu XGD3.


Le Firmware LT 2.0 pour les consoles Slim est fini mais en test, il sera disponible sous peu.


La deuxième annonce concerne le firmware 0800 v3 qui quant à lui, vous permettra de flasher un lecteur Xbox Benq/LiteOn pour le relier au pc de façon à effectuer les rip de vos originaux XGD3 sécurités AP2.5/2.6, SS... incluses.


Citation :




C4EÆs iXtreme LT+ in association with Team Jungle & Team Xecuter



Official release of the iXtreme LT+ v2.0


- Support for XGD3 ixtreme backups using LT-MAX for maximum capacity on standard DVD+R DL discs. Passes all security checks for XGD3 including correct capacity.


- Support for large capacity DVD+R DL media (no errors when burning)


I would like to dedicate this fw to the Xbox Live Enforcement Team and the recent false (AP25) bans and subsequent reversal. Keep up the good work guys.


Thanks go to Team Jungle for their hard work and efforts in the development process.

Thanks also go to Team Xecuter for their support to this project.




Citation :




NFO 0800 V3


Team Jungle Presents IXtreme 3.0 0800 firmware for Benq and Liteon drives



IXtreme fw for Benq and Liteon drives!



-Common API designed for easier application use!

-Support for SS V2!

-Support for AP25!

-Support for XGD3 ripping!

-Direct 0800 mode for game dumping including SS v2!


This firmware is =NOT FOR USE IN A CONSOLE= and is provided

with the intended use of being in a dedicated "ripping" drive.

This means:

a. Does not need your DVD key,

b. Does not need spoofing as another drive,

c. Does not need to use the tray half open and.

Does not need to use the activate.iso to use this firmware on the pc.



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