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J'essaie désespérément de faire fonctionner un jeu sur cette émulateur ( l'émulateur pc engine : Hugo V1.3.0 ) sur ma psp 2000 en 5.50 prom 4, mais rien n'y fais, des que je commence une nouvelle partie, sa bug et sa me revois au menu de la psp.


Si je met mon jeu pc engine cd en format .bin et .cue, il accepte et démarre le jeu mais bug des le lancement d'une partie, si j'ai le jeu en format iso, il me fais un disc error.


Je sais pas quoi faire j'ai besoin d'un bon tuto, merci.

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Et bien , il ya un emul qui semble fonctionner.


Son "readme" dit:




Hu-Go emulates the NEC PC Engine console on many

system such as Linux and Windows.

(see Zeograd's lair - for details)

PSP-HUGO is a port on PSP of latest HUGO version.

Special thanks to my friend Nicolas C. for his

support and kindness, without him i would have never

found enough motivation to port Hu-Go to PSP.

This version of PSP-Hugo supports IRDA-Joystick box

designed by my good friend Buzz.




- Virtual keyboard

In the PC-Engine emulator window, there are three

different mapping (standard, left trigger, and right

Trigger mappings). You can toggle between while

playing inside the emulator using the two PSP trigger



PSP PC-Engine (standard)


Square Select

Triangle Run

Circle A

Cross B

Left Left

Down Down

Right Right

Up Up

Analog Joystick


PSP PC-Engine (left trigger)


Square FPS

Triangle LOAD Snapshot

Circle Swap digital / Analog

Cross SAVE Snapshot

Up Inc delta Y

Down Dec delta Y

Left Render mode

Right Render mode


PSP PC-Engine (right trigger)


Square Select

Triangle Run

Circle A

Cross Auto-fire

Up Up

Down Down

Left Dec fire

Right Inc fire


Analog Joystick


Press Start+L+R to exit and return to eloader.

Press Select to enter in emulator main menu.

Press Start open/close the On-Screen keyboard

In the main menu

RTrigger Reset the emulator

Triangle Go Up directory

Cross Valid

Circle Valid

Square Go Back to the emulator window

The On-Screen Keyboard of "Danzel" and "Jeff Chen"

Use Analog stick to choose one of the 9 squares, and

use Triangle, Square, Cross and Circle to choose one

of the 4 letters of the highlighted square.

Use LTrigger and RTrigger to see other 9 squares


- IR keyboard

You can also use IR keyboard. Edit the

pspirkeyb.ini file to specify your IR keyboard model,

and modify eventually layout keyboard files in the

keymap directory.

The following mapping is done :

IR-keyboard PSP

Cursor Digital Pad

Tab Start

Ctrl-W Start

Escape Select

Ctrl-Q Select

Ctrl-E Triangle

Ctrl-X Cross

Ctrl-S Square

Ctrl-F Circle

Ctrl-Z L-trigger

Ctrl-C R-trigger

In the emulator window you can use the IR keyboard to

enter letters, special characters and digits.



If you want to load rom image in your emulator, you

have to put your rom file (with .pce file extension)

on your PSP memory stick in the 'roms' directory.

Then, while inside emulator, just press SELECT to

enter in the emulator main menu, choose "Load Rom",

and then using the file selector choose one rom image

file to load in your emulator.

You can use the virtual keyboard in the file

requester menu to choose the first letter of the game

you search (it might be useful when you have tons of

games in the same folder). Entering several time the

same letter let you choose sequentially files

beginning with the given letter. You can use the Run

key of the virtual keyboard to launch the rom.



If you want to load iso image in your emulator, you

have to put your file (with .iso file extension)

on your PSP memory stick in the 'cd-roms' directory.



HCD format describes CD tacks for Hu-go.

Here is an example of that file format:














See Hu-go web site for more details.

If you want to load a hcd file with all track datas

in your emulator, you have to put your file

(with .hcd file extension) on your PSP memory stick

in a sub-folder of the 'cd-roms' directory.

For example for Dracula X i have the following folders :


`-- dracx

|-- Track01.mp3

|-- Track02.iso

|-- ...

|-- Track22.iso

`-- dracx.hcd

An example for dracx.hcd file is present in doc folder.

Audio tracks are supported only in MP3 format with

stereo 16 bits samples at 22k or 44k rate.



TOC format describes CD tacks. Here is an example of

that file format:

Track 01 Audio 00:02:00 LBA=000000

Track 02 Data 00:49:65 LBA=003590

Track 03 Audio 01:27:23 LBA=006398


If you want to load a TOC file with all track datas

in your emulator, you have to put your file (with

.toc file extension) on your PSP memory stick in a

sub-folder of the 'cd-roms' directory.

For example for R-Type i have the following folders :


`-- r-type

|-- 01.mp3

|-- 02.iso


|-- 46.iso

`-- rtype.toc

An example for rtype.toc file is present in doc


Audio tracks are supported only in MP3 format with

stereo 16 bits samples at 22k or 44k rate.



You can use TurboRipV100 to create CD rom files

compatible with PSP-Hugo. Mount your CUE/BIN file

using virtual CD tool such as Daemon tools, then run

TurboRipV100 with the following arguments :

TurboRip.exe /PCEP /RS=22050

After selecting your virtual CD-ROM id, TurboRip will

ripp all audio and data tracks in a folder and it

will generate a toc file compatible with PSP-Hugo.

Copy the generated folder in the psphugo/cd-roms

folder on your psp. Using the CD-Rom menu of the

emulator you will then be able to enjoy your game.




You can use cheat codes with PSP-Hugo.

You can add your own cheat codes in the cheat.txt file

and then import them in the cheat menu.

All cheat codes you have specified for a game can be

save in a CHT file in 'cht' folder.

Those cheat codes would then be automatically loaded

when you start the game.

The CHT file format is the following :


# Enable, Address, Value, Comment


1,36f,3,Cheat comment

Using the Cheat menu you can search for modified bytes

in RAM between current time and the last time you

saved the RAM. It might be very usefull to find "poke"

address by yourself, monitoring for example life numbers.

To find a new "poke address" you can proceed as follow :

Let's say you're playing PC kid and you want to find

the memory address where "number lives" is stored.

. Start a new game in PC kid

. Enter in the cheat menu.

. Choose Save Ram to save initial state of the memory.

. Specify the number of lives you want to find in

"Scan Old Value" field.

(for PC kid the initial lives number is 2)

. Go back to the game and loose a life.

. Enter in the cheat menu.

. Specify the number of lives you want to find in

"Scan New Value" field.

(for PC kid the lives number is now 1)

. In Add Cheat you have now one matching Address

(for PC kid it's 0DAF)

. Specify the Poke value you want (for example 3)

and add a new cheat with this address / value.

The cheat is now activated in the cheat list

and you can save it using the "Save cheat" menu.

Let's enjoy PC kid with infinite life !!



You can write your own comments for games using

the "Comment" menu. The first line of your comments

would then be displayed in the file requester menu

while selecting the given file name (roms, keyboard,





You can modify several settings value in the settings

menu of this emulator. The following parameters are

available :

Sound enable :

enable or disable the sound

Sound volume boost :

factor to apply to the volume, useful to

increase the sound volume on given game.

Sound frequency :

sound quality, it could be 22k/44k mono/stereo

IRDA device :

Type of IRDA device connected to PSP

It could be None, Keyboard (such as Targus)

or Joystick (see IRDA Joy section)

CD audio track :

enable CD audio track support

Speed limiter :

limit the speed to a given fps value

Skip frame :

to skip frame and increase emulator speed

Overclock :

useful to increase significantly emulator speed

but you may encounter graphical glitches

Display fps :

display real time fps value

Render mode :

many render modes are available with different

geometry that should covered all games


Delta Y :

move the center of the screen vertically

Vsync :

wait for vertical signal between each frame displayed

Clock frequency :

PSP clock frequency

CD Clock frequency :

PSP clock frequency used when a MP3/CD audio

track is played



You can modify several joystick settings value in the

settings menu of this emulator. The following

parameters are available :

Active Joystick :

Joystick player, it could be 1 or 2

Swap Analog/Cursor :

swap key mapping between PSP analog pad and PSP

digital pad

Auto fire period :

auto fire period

Auto fire mode :

auto fire mode active or not

See IRDA-Joy section for other parameters description.



This version of PSP-Hugo supports IRDA-Joystick box

(see Buzz Computer for all details).

IRDA mode :

type of DB9 device connected to the "Irda

Joystick box". It could be None, Joystick,

Single or double paddle.

IRDA debug :

enable or disable debug mode to display data

sent by the "Irda Joystick box".

You can then define Irda Joystick box keys mapping

to PSP keys. The default mapping is the following :

Joy Up : Digital Up

Joy Down : Digital Down

Joy Left : Digital Left

Joy Right : Digital Right

Joy Fire : Cross

Paddle 1 + : Analog Right

Paddle 1 - : Analog Left

Paddle 1 Fire : Cross

Paddle 2 + : Analog Up

Paddle 2 - : Analog Down

Paddle 2 Fire : Circle




By default the PSP clock frequency is set to 266Mhz

and it should be enough for most of all games.

If you run CD-rom games with audio tracks, PSP-Hugo

will automatically increase the clock frequency while

playing MP3 tracks to 300 Mhz.

(You may modify this parameter in the settings menu).

Some games such as PC-kid are fullspeed at 222Mhz

with overclock parameter set to 32 and using 22Khz

mono sound. If you want to save your battery and play

longuer it might be a good choice.

CD-Rom games are faster if you disable "CD audio

track" support, so if you encounter speed issue it

might be a solution.

If you encounter graphical glitches then you may set

Overclock value to 0 and increase the PSP clock

frequency for a better emulation experience.





A toi de voir now. ;)

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Bon ben je vais voir sa, c'est jamais très clair leur tuto.

Reste a voir si sa fonctionne bien.

Parce que c'est un des emu que j'ai déjà utiliser sans suces avec des jeux pc engine cd.


Du style, si mon jeu est en iso accompagner d'un .cue, il me fais error cd, si je le met en .bin accompagner d'un .cue, il se lance, mais des le lancement d'une partie, sa bug et me revoila au menu de la psp.

Je l'avais utiliser y a longtemp pour rondo of blood castlevania X sur pc, mais sa remonte a très loin.

Modifié par Ramza
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Bon, ben, j'ai arranger mon problème et réussi a faire fonctionner mon jeu via emu pc, mais tout de même asser déçut de pas pouvoir le faire sur psp, c'est tout même dommage sa, pas moyen de faire reconnaitre un jeu pc engine Cd et je dis bien cd pas engine tout cour....


Enfin le principale c'est que sa marche.

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Jouer à la CD Engine sur PSP

A partir du CD ou une IMAGE (ISO, CUE etc… monter avec daemon Tools).

Utiliser TurboRip pour convertir facilement vos jeux PC-Engine dans le format compatible avec PSPHugo ou PCEP.


Une fois le rip terminé on obtient un dossier X avec plusieurs .WAV .ISO .CUE et un fichier .TOC

Ex : pour un jeu que je rip actuellement.

Valis IV - The Fantasm Soldier [J].cue (à supprimer)

Valis IV - The Fantasm Soldier [J].toc

Valis IV - The Fantasm Soldier [J]-01.wav

Valis IV - The Fantasm Soldier [J]-02.iso

Valis IV - The Fantasm Soldier [J]-03.wav

Valis IV - The Fantasm Soldier [J]-04.wav


Ensuite il faut convertir tous les fichiers .wav en mp3 (44100 Hz, 128 kbps, joint stéréo) moi j’utilise Goldwave qui est gratuit en faisant un traitement par lot.

Dernière étapes il faut renommer comme suit :

Valis IV - The Fantasm Soldier [J]-01.wav en 01.mp3

Valis IV - The Fantasm Soldier [J]-02.iso en 02.iso

Valis IV - The Fantasm Soldier [J]-03.wav en 03.mp3

Valis IV - The Fantasm Soldier [J]-03.wav en 04.mp3


Moi je préfère PCEP pour tout ce qui est émulation CD Engine donc j’explique avec celui-ci

Il faut se procurer un SuperCD Card pour les jeux Super CD-ROM².

Dans PCEP charger en 1er SYSCARD3.PCE c'est celui que j'utilise ensuite appuyé sur la touche L naviguer jusqu’à cd change pour charger le jeu il faut choisir le fichier .TOC naviguer à continue touche Start pour démarrer.

Donc moi pour exemple je vais dans le dossier Valis et charge Valis IV - The Fantasm Soldier [J].toc


Voilà si tout c’est bien passé ça devrait fonctionner si compatible avec l’émulateur :pouce:

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