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[NEWS] Sortie du 6.39ME pour PSP 1000 et 2000 flashables.


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merci de la news. ;)


voici le RTU et le change log


-- Feature --

-- Support Unsigned Homebrew.

-- Support Extra module ( = plugins ).

-- Support ISO mount with M33driver , NP9660driver , OEdriver , NormalDriver and MEdriver.

-- Support UMD video.

-- Support converted PSX(PS1) game and custom DOCUMENT.DAT.

-- Unlock 480x272 avc video.

-- Unlock max display brightness lenel without AC adapter.

-- Unlock ExtraMemory for Homebrew ( slim only ).

-- Unlock Slim color in XMB.(need to prepare bmp file )

-- Support USB battery charging.

-- Support CPU speed control.

-- Support hide PIC0.PNG and PIC1.PNG option.

-- Support Flash0/1/2/3/UMD mount with USB.

-- Support fake region.

-- Support Battery EEPROM option in recovery menu.



-- Support to load Unsignated module.

-- Support to load packed ( with Dark_AleX's psp-packer ) module.


perso, chez moi les eboot PS1 ne fonctionnent toujours pas :(


edit: ok je sais pourquoi. il faut en fait desactiver le pops :fonsde:

Modifié par Subaru-San
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