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Rapport E3 SEGA - 12/05/04 - Info au compte goutte

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Invité Invité

ce que je sais c est que la bonne nouvelle sera pour les consoles portable plus particulierement la PSP qui aura dans sa ludotheque : Project S qui REVOLUTIONNERA le jeux video

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Sega announces PSP and DS titles


Sony's portable will get Puyo Pop Fever and Project S, while Nintendo's handheld will get Sonic DS and Project Rub.

Just hours after Sony and Nintendo unveiled their rival portables at E3, Sega has announced it is publishing two titles for each platform.


Sony's PSP will get a version of the popular puzzle game Puyo Puyo Fever, and an all-new title known only as "Project S." Sega didn't give any specific details on either title, but General Manager Yuji Naka hinted both would take advantage of the devices high-tech features. "We will propose a new style of gaming and entertainment that maximizes the features unique to PSP," said Naka, "Such as network communication battle via wireless LAN and the “face-to-face” system that utilizes the 16:9 widescreen TFT LCD.”


On the DS side, Sega is readying the internally developed--and temporarily titled--Sonic DS, the latest game to feature the publisher's emblematic blue hedgehog. The other game, Project Rub (working title) will take advantage of the DS's touch-sensitive second screen, and "will be played by a new method of innovative control--'rubbing'--that has not been used in the games before now," according to Sega.


Naka also only had nice things to say about the DS. "Its great variety of input mechanisms has allowed us to create new forms of gaming that could not be experienced with previous games for the home market," he said.


Sega did not submit a release date for any of the four titles to the public.

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Invité Invité

c est confirmé apparement


SEGA today announced its titles in development for the Sony PlayStation Portable system. While few details have been announced, we do have at least two titles to add to the roster:


Puyo Pop Fever - The wily (and wildly popular) puzzle game will represent on the PSP.


Project S - A mysterious, as-yet-untitled PSP project that SEGA is keeping under wraps for now. However, when thinking of big SEGA properties that begin with the letter "S," well, one or two (or, one) things come to mind. We're just guessing.


The announcement, along with the company's announcement of Nintendo DS titles in development, demonstrates SEGA's commitment to the new breed of handheld platforms.

Yuji Naka, SEGA's executive managing director and general manager of Development Head Office comments, "I am excited to announce SEGA's initial software plans for the new PSP platform which offers truly high performance and efficient graphics display and incredible sound quality. Given its technical strengths, SEGA regards PSP as a handheld video game system with great potential. We are presently developing Puyo Pop Fever and Project S (temporary title), and we will propose a new style of gaming and entertainment that maximizes the features unique to PSP, such as network communication battle via wireless LAN and the 'face-to-face' system that utilizes the 16:9 widescreen TFT LCD. Please look forward to future SEGA's titles."



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Invité Invité

encore et tjr de l info


S comme


Sega dévoile une poignée de nouvelles images de SEGA SuperStars. Ce titre utilisera l'Eye Toy et comportera une pléiade de mini-jeux dont la principale originalité sera d'avoir recours aux personnages de l'univers de la marque. Ce jeu PlayStation 2 à vocation conviviale débarquera un peu avant la fin de l'année en Europe.

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Invité Invité

non j crois pas c encore un fake ....


ca peu pas etre cette annonce pourrave .... on s'en cague de la PSP


y se foutent de la gueule du monde sega ou koi ....


c ca une super annonce pour sega .... le gag ... les boules...

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Invité Invité

esperons que sa ne soi pa sa la grande annonce pour l'e3 qu' a faite sega.

de toute maniere ou c'est quelque chose de gros ou un truc dont tout le monde s'en fou royalement

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Invité Invité

mes info sont pas du fake


c est ce que je chope sur les sites de jeux vidéos qui font leur compte rendu E3


mais l E3 fini le 14 rien n est perdu

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Invité Invité

j'espere, paske si c ça la super annonce, moi j'arrete les JEUX VIDEO !!!!! RHAAAAAAA!!!!

et je v me choper vite fait propeller arena, ça ça me consolera lol

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