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P3HUB (Jailbreak + Hub USB) ?


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2 ports USB (PS3 Fat 40Gb - PS3 Slim), ce n'est pas assez.

Sachant que ces ports sont utilisés pour le dongle et un éventuel HDD externe, il devient difficile de connecter par exemple l'EyeToy (je sais qu'on peut retirer le dongle mais c'est assez embêtant).

Il existe cependant des hubs usb compatibles PS3 mais une alternative vient de sortir, le P3HUB (apparemment produit par la Team PS3Break).


Site : P3,HUB,P3HUB,HUB,USB HUB,PS3,break, PS3break,Blue-ray disc,BD,




This P3 HUB / PSHub is basically used as a normal USB hub, which does not contain any unauthorized program code. So it will not cause any legal problems to the sellers.


The P3HUB Break Modchip is currently the only Modchip on the market for the PS3 and it allows for instant gameplay of backed up games. Whether you choose to backup games onto your PS3 or onto an external hard drive, be sure they will work anytime and anywhere when using the one and only P3 Hub Modchip


HOT Spots - PS3 Break team deliver a new product P3HUB


No need original PS3 BD booting-disc

No Need unplug external hardisk

simplify operation step, programable USB hub


P3HUB / P3 Hub Key Features


Support common USB HUB function

This device supports self-programmable feature through USB, users can easily upgrade the system according to their needs.

By uploading the latest firmware, users do not need to unplug external USB storage device during restarting the PS3 console.

For both slim and fat models, it will increase the life time of the external USB storage device and simplify the operation step.

With extra two more USB ports, users can connect more USB devices to their PS3 console

Break PS3 perfectly

No need unplug external hardisk

Avoid to remove the external device trouble before the user starting up the console

Simplify the complex steps to make the operation more humane

Upgradeable hardware firmware

PS3 Dongle and USB HUB perfect combination to support all of the external device plug and play.

P3 HUB multiple USB external device expansion

Fully compatible USB1.1 and USB 2.0 devices

Without driver, plug and play

More reliable and stable performance


Ca m'a tout l'air de fonctionner. Il n'y a plus qu'à attendre les retours des utilisateurs.

Modifié par Ghost2501
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J'ai reçu mon 3HUB


Je n'ai pas encore eu le temps de tester en profondeur mais cet appareil fait son travail.


En plus, le produit semble être très bien suivi en ce qui concerne les updates : P3HUB,, Simplify operation step,Programable USB hub,No need unplug external hardisk


Sinon, la couleur bleu ciel, beuark quoi :pasmafaufe8: (apparemment, ils existent en noir maintenant)

Modifié par robocop
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