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Annonce Monster Hunter 3rd


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Capcom vient tout juste d'annoncer que la PSP accueillera un Monster Hunter Portable 3rd au Japon à la fin de l'année. L'éditeur en a d'ailleurs profité pour diffuser les premières images du jeu ainsi qu'un tout premier teaser. Et les yeux des fans de la série brillèrent





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To be released at the end of 2010

- Different from Monster Hunter Tri

- No underwater battles

- Setting in "Yukumo Village" (はユクモ村)

- The mayor of this village is woman

- Design is based on a traditional Japanese look

-A lot of returning monsters


- Info on 3 new monster species

---Jinouga (ジンオウガ): Dragon Wolf type?

---Gavua (ガーヴア): Ostrich type?

---Aoashira (アオアシラ): Armadillo type?


-12 different kinds of weapons

---Great Sword - 大剣

---Long Sword - 太刀

---Hammer - ハンマー

---Hunting Horn/Flute - 狩猟笛

---Sword & Shield - 片手剣

---Dual Swords - 双剣 (booo)

---Lance - ランス

---Gun Lance - ガンランス

---Slash Axe - スラッシュアックス

---Light Bowgun - ライトボウ

---Heavy Bowgun - ヘヴィボウ

---Bow - 弓


- Felyne fighters have remained along with new features currently available to the ChaCha (MH3), boomerang weapon and dancing. Also you can bring 2 fighters during a quest.

- New attack for Gunlance (flip + reload + slash) which can be linked with a shelling attack.

- Two new maps along with some MH3 ones added.

- Naruga Kuruga and Tigrex are the only classic monsters shown, possibility of others not returning including MH3 ones.

- No details of a medium bowgun or customization system.



- Felyne fighter combat/AI has been revised.

- More emphasis on graphics and sound quality.

- A better communication system is added (probably making use of a keyboard/PS3/microphone on PSP).

- Infrastructure support added.

- No underwater combat, it is to remain exclusive to MH3.

- The game is situated in Yukumo, an oriental village.

- This is a start from scratch, much like MH3 no savefile continuation from MHP2G many new features will be added.

- Felyne fighter armor/weapon can be customised/upgraded adding more depth and attention for them.

- There will be less content (quest wise, which should reflect upon the amount of armors/weapons created) than MHP2G (currently holding the content title, if you exclude Frontier).


-A new "Bathing/Spa Facility" feature to replace the Felyne Kitchen

-New fields/environments: A mountain stream and some kind of dried up pond

-A fairly large farm


Mode infrastructure :D

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