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Firmware 3.0


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Les news sur le firmware 3.0 de la PS3 de Sony:


PlayStation 3 Firmware (v3.00) Update – PlayStation.Blog



Hi everyone, PlayStation 3 (PS3) firmware update (v3.00) adds a number of great new features that we’re excited to share with you. The latest update incorporates changes that improve navigation on your PS3. First, you’ll notice some cosmetic changes to the design of the XMB (Xross Media Bar). We’ve enhanced the look and feel of the XMB so that it’s easier and even more intuitive to use. We’ve also added network improvements and personalization options to help enhance your PS3 experience.

Additional highlights from update 3.00 include:


  • “What’s New” – The “Information Board” will be replaced with a “What’s New” section, which allows you to enjoy interactive PlayStation news every time you start the PS3 system. Located under the PlayStation Network icon, “What’s New” displays the latest and greatest game, video, PlayStation Network and PlayStation news and releases, as well as your recently played games, in a sleek, new animated format.
  • Status Indicator – In the top right corner we’ve added an indicator bar, which displays your user icon, friend icon, the number of friends you have online and a small message icon to let you know if you have any new messages. The indicator also includes a scrolling ticker that features the latest news from PlayStation Network. In addition, when you press the PS button, the battery life indicator will no longer cover up the clock.
  • Friends List – Now your PlayStation Network friends will appear in a slightly redesigned format on your Friends List. Also, messages will now be viewable from each of your friends’ respective profiles.
  • PlayStation Store Shortcuts – We’ve added a handy shortcut icon to the PlayStation Store under both the Game and Video categories so you can access the latest content quickly and easily.
  • Personalization – Personalize your PS3 with new dynamic custom themes and avatars. Dynamic themes as well as free and premium avatars will be available through PlayStation Store. A dynamic theme takes your screen to a whole new level as it incorporates animated objects into the background.
  • Trophies – Showcasing your hard earned trophies just got better. Update 3.00 gives game developers the ability to modify how they display trophies for add-on content. Base and add-on game trophies will continue to be combined into a single list so you can see where you stand in a game as a whole. Within that list, trophies will be broken out into subcategories—base trophies and add-on trophies—that way, you can easily view the percentage of your base game trophy collection, and separately track your trophy progress in add-on packs. Look for this enhancement to be included in upcoming games.

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a small message icon to let you know if you have any new messages.


ENFIN !!!!!!! :love: :love: :love:


In addition, when you press the PS button, the battery life indicator will no longer cover up the clock.


ENFIN !!!!!!! :love: :love: :love:


Merci pour l'info !

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J'ai jamais vu cette "promesse"

Lorsqu'ils ont sortie la 60Gb tout le monde s'en foutait de la retro donc ils l'ont virer(pour le cout aussi) et maintenant tout le monde nous fait un caca nerveux pour la re-avoir :lol: alors que meme pas 95% des personnes joue encore a leur jeux PS2 une fois la PS3 acquise

Modifié par FreshPrinceOf91
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Alors je sois être dans les 5% des gens qui y joue encore aux jeux PS2. Moi j'ai ma PS3 60Go donc je m'en fiche de la rétro à la limite mais comme je suis solidaire de ceux qui aurait aimé la voir de retour, j'avais espérer qu'ils ajouteraient cette fonctionnalité a toute les PS3.


En ce moment je suis sur DMC 3 SE et ensuite je m'attaque a MGS 3 et j'ai encore bcp de jeux PS2 que j'ai pas fini. Et justement avec le nombre de jeux PS2 encore en circulation et leurs prix au plus bas, ça faisait un plus non négligeable.


Mais je deséspère pas, peut être qu'elle reviendra un jour dans un prochain FW et oubliez pas que ca fera encore plus de contenu pour le PSS si ils mettent les jeux PS2 dessus.



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