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la dmi corrompu se corrige avec le level 3 en auto







Note: If you have recently AutoFixed "UFC 2009 Undisputed", "Red Faction: Guerilla" or "Up" using abgx360, it may have patched a corrupt DMI to your ISO.

How can you tell if your ISO or Burned DVD has the bad DMI? Simply check the game with abgx360 on medium or high verbosity and look for "DMI CRC = XXXXXXXX".

For "UFC 2009 Undisputed" the corrupt DMI CRC = 46C162C8

For "Red Faction: Guerilla" the corrupt DMI CRC = 580B3E16

For "Up" the corrupt DMI CRC = F9F50C0F

How do you fix it if you have the corrupt DMI? If you already burned the game and deleted the ISO you will have to copy the disc back to your HDD (ImgBurn is recommended for Windows users). Also make sure that you have online functions enabled in abgx360 for the next steps.

For "UFC 2009 Undisputed" simply check the ISO with AutoFix threshold set to level 3 and it will automatically download the updated ini and patch a good DMI for you.

For "Red Faction: Guerilla" you will need to delete 1A5575DDA1D2466C.ini (if it exists) from your StealthFiles folder and then check the ISO with AutoFix set to level 3.

For "Up" you will need to delete E4F12417A1CB7F98.ini and Xex_A1CB7F98.ini (if they exist) from your StealthFiles folder, however there is currently no other verified rip of this game in the database so you will have to wait on that.

Where is your StealthFiles folder?

On Windows this is usually C:\Program Files\abgx360\StealthFiles\

On other systems this is usually ~/.abgx360/StealthFiles/

We apologize for this but this is a new type of corruption which seems to be associated with ripping via a certain USB->SATA adapter (not 100% sure of the cause yet) and DMI is now scanned for this corruption before being accepted into the database (so it won't happen again).

Update: For users running Windows Vista / Windows 7 with UAC enabled, you may also need to delete these files from your VirtualStore folder. It will be something like C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files\abgx360\StealthFiles

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Bon desolée mais là fracnhement je suis à la rue :)


voilà le resultat dans abgx 1.0.1 :


\\//\\//\\//\\//  _ |_  _ \ \/ /_  _  _  \\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\
//\\//\\//\\//\\ (_||_)(_|/ /\ \_||_ | | //\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//

Checking for updates to GameNameLookup.csv and abgx360.dat...
    Server file GameNameLookup.csv no newer than local file - not retrieving
    Server file abgx360.dat no newer than local file - not retrieving

/Volumes/Download/Jeux 360/UFC.2009.Undisputed-XBOX360/xxx-ufc.dvd is valid

Checking Game
    ISO: "/Volumes/Download/Jeux 360/UFC.2009.Undisputed-XBOX360/xxx-ufc.iso"
    Size: 7838695424 bytes (SplitVid 3rd wave)
    Files in ISO: 4, Folders in ISO: 0
    Total bytes used: 19398656 (0.27%)
Game appears to have random padding

Checking default.xex
    Original PE Filename:  VEGAS1Xenon_Release_US.exe
    Original PE Timestamp: 2009/04/03 14:52:18
    Game Name:             UFC 2009 Undisputed
    Developer:             YUKE'S Co.,Ltd.
    Publisher:             THQ, Inc.
    Genre:                 FIGHTING
    Achievements:          30 Achievements totaling 1000 Gamerscore
    XEX CRC = F14D5DDD
    XEX Media ID: 9CD7DBEF80C15C363F345C6E-4BE0A7F8

UFC 2009 Undisputed 

Region Code: 0xFFFFFFFF
    Region Free!

Checking SS
    Timestamp of Authoring: 2009/04/14 00:00:00
    Timestamp of Mastering: 2009/04/22 01:10:54
    SS CRC = DE22E403 (RawSS = 5D88D7AD)
    SS Media ID: 9CD7DBEF80C15C363F345C6E-4BE0A7F8 (matches game)
SS looks valid

Checking DMI
    Timestamp of Authoring: 2009/04/14 00:00:00 (matches SS)
    DMI CRC = 580AE22C
    DMI Media ID: 9CD7DBEF80C15C363F345C6E-4BE0A7F8 (matches game)
DMI looks valid

Checking PFI
    PFI CRC = 2A4CCBD3
PFI matches known data (3rd wave - requires iXtreme v1.51 or later)

Video partition found
    Video CRC = 8FE855F4 (V0 = 50A9FF0B, V1 = 4809B37A)
Video partition does not match known data (could be corrupt or a new wave not seen before)

Stealth status is uncertain

Starting Verification

    Using DE22E403F14D5DDD.ini (335 bytes)
    Video CRC does not match!
    V0    CRC does not match!
    V1    CRC matches
    PFI   CRC matches
    DMI   CRC matches
    SS    CRC matches
    Xex   CRC matches

Checking Game CRC... (press Q to cancel)
Percent  Elapsed  Estimated   Time     Average     Current     Errors    Total
   Done     Time       Time   Left       Speed       Speed  Recovered  Retries
    31%     1:01       3:09   2:08   35.8 MB/s   37.2 MB/s


Un peut d'aide svp, apprement mon backup n'est pas stealh...ok mais encore ? :pasmafaufe8:


COmment le "fixé" sous mac.....? :shy2:


Merci :bedo:

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désolé ,je ne connais pas le taff sous mac.


les seules réparations (sur jeux de plus d'1 an) que j'ai effectuées ,concernaient des problèmes de dmi.


dans l'onglet "auto-fix" il faut mettre Level 3,et abgx va chercher dans sa base de données la correction (téléchargement ou dans son temp)


level 2=tes propres rips

level 3=récupération du baéckup

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cC tout le monde.:smokey:


j ai une petite question : vous dites que les jeux auquels on a joué sont enregistrés dans la NAND de la console, alors est ce que le reflash du lecteur peut rendre le lecteur "stealth" (à condition que la xbox n a pas encore été bannie) ?


merci pour vos réponses ... :fou:

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cC tout le monde.:smokey:


j ai une petite question : vous dites que les jeux auquels on a joué sont enregistrés dans la NAND de la console, alors est ce que le reflash du lecteur peut rendre le lecteur "stealth" (à condition que la xbox n a pas encore été bannie) ?


merci pour vos réponses ... :fou:


si j'ai bien comprit ta question...oui tu peux re-mettre ton lecteur d'origine :)

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