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KillZone 2 - Clan Metagames


Renommer le Clan en [MTG] METAGAYMES? (C'est un QCM...)  

48 membres ont voté

  1. 1. Renommer le Clan en [MTG] METAGAYMES? (C'est un QCM...)

    • Non," [META] Metagames " me convient
    • Oui," [MTG] METAGAYMES " ca rox plus, et ça sent l'homme
    • Voir ma réponse...
    • Mais pourquoi Bito ne post-il plus...?

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need une invite de clan :DD , sinon merci au post de Bad qui disais

"merde on a pris ces tapettes de hellgast" au debut je prenais que les hellgay et j'etais pas avec vous , jm'e suis souvenue de la phrase de bad 2eme partie j'ai pris les ISA et j'etais avec vous :rox:

sinon le online il dechire , je suis au rang 4 il me semble avec 112 kill pour 112 death !




Modifié par Cloud78
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Assez mdr les parties, "bilal king of the scar don't worry, 92 FAR! nothing to do!"


Zero avec son RPG qui passe devant moi, j'fais "regarde ce terroriste avec son RPG!", pendant toute la partie il était obsédé par Bad... en slip ^^

A un moment coté droit de la map avec les tanks au debut, en points de contrôle, il me fait: "Regarde fiston"...

Il tape un sprint de 300m (en roulant du cul) jusqu'à la place du milieu et BIM! RPG! :lol:


Sinon le mic c'est un peu le foutoir... j'ai reconnu oMc, Duan, Zero, Guytbart (sans la voix aigue c'est chelou) mais à part ça impossible de distinguer qui parle (faut déjà arriver à entendre en plus :S).

Donc le mec avec l'accent du Gard c'était Baresco alias le mec que je réanime mais qui me reanime jamais! :D

Ah y'avait aussi la bonne voix de minousse alias l'homme qui a la tête aussi dure qu'un gland, tellement dure que les grenades rebondissent sur sa tête XD


Plais' de voir Bad, même si je l'entendais pas des masses et que je suis incapable de dire quelle voix il a. :lol:


GG les gars, on leur a pas laissé une chance et le pire c'est qu'ils en redemandaient! :)

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Bon si 0° est enfin deciday a m'envoyé l'invit psn, je vous rejoindrais certainement ce soir pour ma 1ere en online (nonnnn pas la rondelle siouplé:bedo:)

Je mettrais le micro egalement, donc le mec qui parle tout doucement c'est moi, et la baffe dans la gueule aussi (si je reveil madame ou bébé:bedo:)

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Donc le mec avec l'accent du Gard c'était Baresco alias le mec que je réanime mais qui me reanime jamais! :D


Mdr ! wé c'est moi, pourtant j'en ai réanimer des gars ptaing ! mais toi jte voyé pas tro ! Sinon merci pour lé rea :bedo: sa ma bien servi :DD


Sinon ce soir j'suis dispo a partir de 21h !

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La liste des fixes sur lesquels travaille GG


Network Errors/Honor Ranks

We are also looking at fixing a good bunch of the network errors and are looking into the complaints about the Honor Ranks as well as a couple of other bits and pieces. We'll provide a list of fixes when we are close to releasing the patch.



We're working on a permanent solution for the bots stat padding and have some internal solutions that we're going to work on implementing. We'll let you know what those are when we've got the patch together and the solution implemented.

We will NOT be wiping ALL stats and padders will be looked at individually by the moderators. is being sorted out today to deal with the massive traffic its been facing and hope to have some long-term solutions in place shortly.

The stats are currently empty on the site and will be repopulated today.


Controller Issues

We have not stopped looking into the complaints and will see what we can do about it. Any possible changes will have to be carefully implemented and tested before being deployed though.


Charge disarming

We have identified the issue where sometimes the C4 charge in Search and Destroy will not disarm. Will be fixed with the next update.


Shotgun Aim Assist

Investigating the problem and will patch it up.


Clan Games

Sometimes the clan that does not turn up for a match is awarded the win under specific circumstances. Will be patched ASAP.


Battle Replay for Map 8 - Corinth Crossing

The BR on is not quite right and will be fixed soon.


Ignore list

Was found not to be functioning correctly. Will be fixed in the next patch.



Crash when using Saboteur disguise in certain situations. Will be fixed in the next patch.

Infrequent crash when trying to start a game with an empty game name. Will be fixed soon.



There is an issue with the Assassination target HUD icon displaying when playing as a Medic. Investigating and will be fixed.

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La liste des fixes sur lesquels travaille GG


Network Errors/Honor Ranks

We are also looking at fixing a good bunch of the network errors and are looking into the complaints about the Honor Ranks as well as a couple of other bits and pieces. We'll provide a list of fixes when we are close to releasing the patch.



We're working on a permanent solution for the bots stat padding and have some internal solutions that we're going to work on implementing. We'll let you know what those are when we've got the patch together and the solution implemented.

We will NOT be wiping ALL stats and padders will be looked at individually by the moderators. is being sorted out today to deal with the massive traffic its been facing and hope to have some long-term solutions in place shortly.

The stats are currently empty on the site and will be repopulated today.


Controller Issues

We have not stopped looking into the complaints and will see what we can do about it. Any possible changes will have to be carefully implemented and tested before being deployed though.


Charge disarming

We have identified the issue where sometimes the C4 charge in Search and Destroy will not disarm. Will be fixed with the next update.


Shotgun Aim Assist

Investigating the problem and will patch it up.


Clan Games

Sometimes the clan that does not turn up for a match is awarded the win under specific circumstances. Will be patched ASAP.


Battle Replay for Map 8 - Corinth Crossing

The BR on is not quite right and will be fixed soon.


Ignore list

Was found not to be functioning correctly. Will be fixed in the next patch.



Crash when using Saboteur disguise in certain situations. Will be fixed in the next patch.

Infrequent crash when trying to start a game with an empty game name. Will be fixed soon.



There is an issue with the Assassination target HUD icon displaying when playing as a Medic. Investigating and will be fixed.


A la waliguéne too bistoofly ! :bedo:(comprend rien mais merci badinou:love:)

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