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Acheter ses jeux et accessoires PS3 moins cher / Savoir si un jeu import est en FR


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Pour Mirror's edge,ca reviens a 8.46€ sans compter 2.5% de conversion de paypal;)


Little big planet:


Ps:A propos des baisses de prix des jeux:



Modifié par speed4
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J'attend leur mail..En faite,je leur avais deja posté,mais j'avais oublier de marquer "2" pour Modern warefare:lol:..Ya un blog toute facon chez eux,et ils ont repondu;)





To all our customers in France that are interested in the French version of such games as Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 and Dragon Age Origins we request you only order the French version of the games. This is to ensure we fill your order properly and our inventory stays accurate. Any customer ordering the English version of the game will be shipped the English version of the game!! Please do not order the English version of the game and request we send you the French version as this creates a big problem with our inventory. If the French version is off on our site it means we are sold out and your order of the English one can't be filled with a French version if you request it. All customers ordering the wrong version will be responsible for all shipping costs and a 15% restocking fee if they wish to return the English version for a French one. Please if you want the French version order the French version. We appreciate your co-operation in this matter. VGP Management."

Modifié par speed4
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