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[Topic Unique] Super Street Fighter II HD Remix (le 19/02/09 sur PSN euro)

The Last Ninja

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J'ai tenter une 1ère partie classée.

Victoire 3-1 dont un perfect pour le dernier round. :rox:


Par contre mon classement n'a pas bouger d'un iota, toujours 0-0 :reflexiomo6:

J'ai eu affaire à un lamer pour ma 1ère partie ou c'est leur serveur qui merde...


Sinon c'est quoi la différence entre le mode remixed et classique ?

(pas vue la différence)


A part ça c'est bien mort, ya personnes sur le live de ce jeu^^

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J'ai tenter une 1ère partie classée.

Victoire 3-1 dont un perfect pour le dernier round. :rox:


Par contre mon classement n'a pas bouger d'un iota, toujours 0-0 :reflexiomo6:

J'ai eu affaire à un lamer pour ma 1ère partie ou c'est leur serveur qui merde...


Sinon c'est quoi la différence entre le mode remixed et classique ?

(pas vue la différence)


A part ça c'est bien mort, ya personnes sur le live de ce jeu^^


ru rigoles? y a du people mais les vrais gamers jouent pas en classé regarde voir le nombre de salons en partie perso y a de quoi faire!

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Un petit UP pour vous dire qu'un futur patch pour corriger les quelques gros bugs of the year !!


Je piges pas trop l'anglais, je pourrais pas trop vous dire les détails de ce patch.



SFHD Remix Patch Details


Thursday, March 5, 2009, 12:26 PM [General]


How's it going everyone? I wanted to fill you guys in today on the details of the patch I announced a while ago. We've been working on it for a while and it's getting ready to be released in the next few weeks. Which means, we have a confirmed list of the issues that we were able to fix in a patch.

Please keep in mind, there are technical limitations to what a patch can fix, so we fixed as many as we could given these limitations. I know many users requested patching Akuma, but we didn't touch any balancing this time. This is mainly because I think the jury is still out on him. Sure, he's pretty powerful, but I don't think it's been 100% proven yet that he's unbalanced. I'm not saying that he's definitely balanced, but before we start tinkering with the balance, we want to make sure we're making the right move.



A big thanks to all you guys that were diligent in reporting the bugs that they encountered. Also, a big shot out goes to "The Furious One" who was a big help in compiling bugs and especially to "zerojay" who took his testing experience and actually created a bug data base to help organize the bugs.

Without further ado, here are issues that the patch fixes:



  1. After a number of games, the HUD will be corrupt. Yellow lifebars will freeze, the round counter flags will all be on, and the names will show more than one name. (Both)
  2. Frequent disconnects during VS transition screen. Often caused by selecting START color of character. (Both)
  3. Title crashes if user has a large friends list and tries to access the friends list (PS3)
  4. Rating being set to "0" and from then on, rating remains at "0". Once that patch goes live, we'll reset all leaderboards/scoreboards. (Both)
  5. Vega sometimes causing desyncing, especially when using the fake wall dive. (Both).
  6. Lobby list containing full rooms instead of only rooms that users can enter. (Both).
  7. Zangief Super Motion not working on both sides and in both directions.
  8. During the start of the match, there is slight slowdown. This has been minimized as much as possible. (PS3).
  9. If connecting to a ranked match through the quick match function, it is best out of 3 rather than best out of 5. It should always be best out of 5.(Both)
  10. Sending messages via XMB during a game causes a freeze. (PS3)
  11. Players not added to "Players Met" list. (PS3)
  12. Analog and D-pad can accept input at the same time. (Both)
  13. Player stats not reporting correctly.





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Je me pose une question.


J'ai entendu dire que sur le PSN européen le jeu coute 15€ alors que sur le PSN Chinois le jeux coute 7€.


Est ce vrai ?


J'ai également entendu dire qu'il était possible d'aller récuperer le jeu sur le PSN Chinois et qu'en plus il est en francais.


Pouvez vous me confirmer ?



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