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pb chaine nintendo


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salut a tous jai un pb avec la chaine nintendo

lorsque je la lance ça me met toujours le meme message d'erreur:

"Une erreur est survenue.Verifiez vos parametres de connexion internet ou reesayez ulterieurement

code d'erreur : 261412 "

sachant que ma wii se connecte tres bien a internet j'arrive meme a jouer en ligne avec mario kart


merci de me repondre au plus vite



p.s: j'ai un routeur sans fil sagem

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En théorie pas de soucis à se faire.

C'est juste que la chaîne doit être HS temporairement.


Error Code: 261412


Our experience shows that error messages within this range are typically caused by temporary network outages with the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection. If there is a problem with the network, our technician's will work to get the service back up as soon as possible. Please retry your connection later.


If you are connecting to the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection for the first time, or the problem has not resolved itself after a few hours, there could be an incompatibility with your wireless home network. You may want to try the following:


* Ensure your router has the latest firmware installed. Visit your router manufacturer's website and look for any updated firmware that may be available (these are typically found under "downloads" or by searching for your particular model number). Contact your router manufacturer for additional assistance.


* If your router or modem has a built-in firewall, you may want to try and lower the security settings*, as they could be interfering with a successful connection. How to do this will vary brand and model, so consult the manual or the manufacturer of your router or modem for assistance.


If after trying the above steps you are still unable to successfully login or play on the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection, it is possible that your wireless home network is not compatible with the Wii or Nintendo WFC.


*While Nintendo provides this information for our consumers' use, it is up to each consumer to determine what security needs they have for their own networks, and to decide how best to configure their network settings to meet those needs.

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