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  • mise à jour de mapthis from Deniska.


    pour tous les possesseurs du GPS pour psp, Deniska vient de mettre à jour son soft.





    Voici ce que nous dit l'auteur sur la mise à jour


    - changed hdop display logic

    - changed thread priorities and stack allocations

    - added CPU clock control to GPS-INFO screen [uP]/[DOWN] - valid settings are 333/222/111

    111Mhz could help PSP-290 users to get faster fix since PSP may make less EMP noise at lesser frequencies.

    - added initlocation switch to PSP-290 GPS INFO screen


    - misc fixes


    To install, overwrite you current (0.4xxx) version's EBOOT.PBP with apropriate EBOOT version and replace the system folder with the new one.






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